Cochin Thread!!!

Oh gosh, those are gorgeous!

And thanks everyone for the AI tips! I watched a few videos, I'm feeling brave.
I'm going to have to learn anyways - I just got permission to put up a pole barn next spring for breeding and growing out the Cochins (the idea is that I'll inherit this property in 10 years or so, so I have no problem investing in a few extra buildings!), and I'll probably go to housing most of the birds individually or in small groups so I can completely control all the breeding.
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If anyone here has experience with Golden Laced Bantams and their development, I'd welcome any comments on my cockerel Calypso. He's just turning 3 months now. As you can see in the pics, even a month ago I was still very worried about his coloring, but he is now finally developing lacing on his chest. He still has some remnants of white ticking at the edges of a few feathers - hopefully that will disappear altogether. And if anyone can post some pics of GL's at this age, I'd really appreciate it!

Calypso a month ago:



And here he is today:



Here's pics of Calypso's sisters (sorry - very pic heavy!) I'm reading and re-reading my SOP regarding Golden Laced Plumage, but it really doesn't tell you what will mature into what. The most I've been able to figure out is that the first pullet's hackle, although probably the best of all of them, goes all the way around her neck, which I understand is a no-no. The lacing is supposed to go up the front of the neck. Other than that, I'm at a loss as to telling who might end up being the better birds. I really have no idea what the lacing on their backs and wings should look like at this stage. Again, these are all 2-1/2 - 3 months old. Any comments/critiquing will be greatly appreciated - I'm hear to learn! (For type, I think I like #1, #4, and then #3.)










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Thanx Danny! Do you know how much better (if at all) the lacing will get with their next molt? Which ones have the best chance of further lace development? At what age does the lacing finally mature?

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