Cochin Thread!!!

For those of you that breed cochin hens with very small combs, do you find that you can tell if the chick is male/female as soon as they hatch? This last batch of five chicks I had, one of them had no discernable comb at hatch, and the other four had little formed combs if I looked very closely. Sure enough one girl and four boys. I just wondered if I can expect the same for every batch of chicks. Sure would make things easier...
OMG Danny...too beautiful for words

Danny OMG!! Those are very beautiful!
Tony chicks make winter go by faster

I did use some Silver laced because I was loosing the color. Lacing is incomplete spangling.

Well here is the plan..... This weekend is the first sale of 2013 in Keytesville Missouri. I will be taking about 20 birds to the sale.
Once they are gone I will be able to set up seperate breeding pens for the ones I plan to keep and by the 1st of february will fire up the incubator! YAY!
I will be looking for a few more nice Buff Columbain and Buff hens this spring.

But if Danny posts anymore pictures of his silver spangleds I may have to build another coop!
I will have a few gold laced cockerels from my BLR project available in a couple months once they are old enough to pick through. If you need any please pm me and I will add you to the contact list. This year has been a cockerel year and it seems like they are all over. I know how hard it is to find decent gold laced and I don't want these guys to go to waste. They are not show quality, but are better than most hatchery. I will not have any pullets to go with them though. I only have one right now and can't afford to part with any

ps. please excuse the poopy butt
Well here is the plan..... This weekend is the first sale of 2013 in Keytesville Missouri. I will be taking about 20 birds to the sale.
Once they are gone I will be able to set up seperate breeding pens for the ones I plan to keep and by the 1st of february will fire up the incubator! YAY!
I will be looking for a few more nice Buff Columbain and Buff hens this spring.

But if Danny posts anymore pictures of his silver spangleds I may have to build another coop!


Contact me about Buff Columbians

I will have a few gold laced cockerels from my BLR project available in a couple months once they are old enough to pick through. If you need any please pm me and I will add you to the contact list. This year has been a cockerel year and it seems like they are all over. I know how hard it is to find decent gold laced and I don't want these guys to go to waste. They are not show quality, but are better than most hatchery. I will not have any pullets to go with them though. I only have one right now and can't afford to part with any

ps. please excuse the poopy butt

He is cute!! Now (I am new at this, please be patient) what all colors could you breed him with?
hello i asked previously about my cochins and was told they were to young to tell so i have waited a bit..i am planning on getting some hatching eggs from a nice breeder to improve what i have but wanted to know what you thought of my bantam cochins. Also do you believe my "frizzle" could be a frazzle? they all hatched in september of last year.excuse me for the mud...its been raining for a few days...

mottled hen (name: rags)

rags from above

Bell from the side

bell from the rear
Bell from front

Rags and Bell

Sally from the side

Sally again from the side

this one is Dolly, had a slight run in with lice...and is regrowing rump feathers but i would still like to know your thoughts



Punk rock (frizzle) and his counterpart Ash i'm not asking for him (ash) to be evaluated as he is being rehomed.

sry for so many photos but i wanted to show them as best i could...
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