Cochin Thread!!!

Hello everyone. Im starting a new project and I'm looking for white or brown red LF Cochin eggs or juveniles. I'd prefer show or breeder quality please. I currently have gorgeous SQ birds from Star Cochins and am hoping for nice birds to breed them to.

I'm just south of Atlanta and am willing to drive up to 3-4 hours to pick them up and will certainly take eggs from a good breeder if you're further away. I understand that it's not optimal shipping weather right now but would like to reserve eggs until things cool off. If you have anything available, please let me know. OR, if you know of a good breeder that has these two varieties - any info would be great. Thanks!
I have a breeding question, I hope someone can help me. I don't have a whole lot of birds right now, and I have various breeds, so I'm kinda limited a bit as far as how many and of each color goes and I'm not going to have 1 rooster of every color of every breed that I have. If I were to breed a hen to a roo and then seperate them, how long would I need to wait before putting her in w/a different colored roo if I wanted to try a dif. breeding route? For example, human sperm can live for 4-5 days, is it the same for chickens? I want to know what eggs are from which roo and what colors to expect. Thanks!
Hi all, I just completed my 1st hatch of cochin bantam's and out of 9, I have 2 very healthy chick's and 1 I'm not so sure is going to make it. These were shipped egg's and I would like to try another batch in the future. It would be nice to find someone local....I live in Plant City, FL...does anyone here know anyone from FL selling egg's? I've just started looking, any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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