Cochin Thread!!!

My group of Mille Fleur Rouge
And Cyclone he is in with my frizzle group until I get him some girls of his own
My Mf stock has her bloodlines in it. Both my Tuba and Chipper were hatched from a pair purchased from her by Nancy. Amy has some awesome Cochins. Do you have pics of your MFs?
I candled my eggs last night and so far am only seeing 9 out of 20 with veins. About 2-3 of those were real faint and hard to see, so I'm wondering if I give it another 2-3 days if maybe I might be able to see development in some of those other ones. Like for some reason I have a couple that the veins are SOOO blatantly obvious and I can see a black blob of a baby starting, but some I just can barely see. Maybe not all eggs started development at the same time so maybe I just can't tell "yet" on some of the other ones? Last night was roughly 4 days. I put them in about midnight Wednesday night and I candled about 9 PM. I would just really hate to throw them away and be unsure. This is my first time hatching chickens eggs, I've hatched out 1 batch of button quail eggs, but they're so dark and speckly you can't see thru them. What days do you guys normally candle? And do you throw them away or wait 2-3 days and check again?
This is what I can see veins in:
black roo/blue hens 0/2
birchens 2/3
mille fluer/calicos 1/2
blue mille/calico 0/1
buff barred 1/3
columbian 3/3
silver laced 1/3
lavender 1/3

So only 9 of 20 eggs.
I candled my eggs last night and so far am only seeing 9 out of 20 with veins. About 2-3 of those were real faint and hard to see, so I'm wondering if I give it another 2-3 days if maybe I might be able to see development in some of those other ones. Like for some reason I have a couple that the veins are SOOO blatantly obvious and I can see a black blob of a baby starting, but some I just can barely see. Maybe not all eggs started development at the same time so maybe I just can't tell "yet" on some of the other ones? Last night was roughly 4 days. I put them in about midnight Wednesday night and I candled about 9 PM. I would just really hate to throw them away and be unsure. This is my first time hatching chickens eggs, I've hatched out 1 batch of button quail eggs, but they're so dark and speckly you can't see thru them. What days do you guys normally candle? And do you throw them away or wait 2-3 days and check again?
I don't toss any eggs until probably day 10. depending what side of the yolk the embryo is on, it may take longer to see for some than others. by day 10 tho you'll see definite movement if it's alive.
I candled my eggs last night and so far am only seeing 9 out of 20 with veins. About 2-3 of those were real faint and hard to see, so I'm wondering if I give it another 2-3 days if maybe I might be able to see development in some of those other ones. Like for some reason I have a couple that the veins are SOOO blatantly obvious and I can see a black blob of a baby starting, but some I just can barely see. Maybe not all eggs started development at the same time so maybe I just can't tell "yet" on some of the other ones? Last night was roughly 4 days. I put them in about midnight Wednesday night and I candled about 9 PM. I would just really hate to throw them away and be unsure. This is my first time hatching chickens eggs, I've hatched out 1 batch of button quail eggs, but they're so dark and speckly you can't see thru them. What days do you guys normally candle? And do you throw them away or wait 2-3 days and check again?
This is what I can see veins in:
black roo/blue hens 0/2
birchens 2/3
mille fluer/calicos 1/2
blue mille/calico 0/1
buff barred 1/3
columbian 3/3
silver laced 1/3
lavender 1/3

So only 9 of 20 eggs.
If you're ever looking to get some cochins off of your hands, I'm in the Madison area

I wait until in least day 7 to toss the clear eggs. I try to not candle the first week, I have a really bad habit of wanting to candle almost daily.
Thank you, but I'm just starting out. I'm still in the 'buying phase' and am trying to build up my flock. Unfortunately, when you buy eggs or hatchlings, it'll take you nearly a year to begin producing on your own. My oldest cochin is only 4 mos old and I have nothing to breed him to. So I'll have to wait until these eggs turn into babies and then grow up into adults before I even think about getting any egg out of any of them. It's a long & slow process and quite frankly if I am able to find an older trio somewhere along the line, I would really love to buy them. I almost don't even care what color, I just want 'something' to start laying and bringing in eggs. But shipping adult birds is way expensive and I just don't have hundreds and hundreds of dollars in order to get an adult flock started. I'm still trying to get all my runs & coops made before winter hits. I can't believe how much money chicken wire costs! Wowzers! So for now I'm just picking up a few things here and there as I come across them and waiting until I have a lot built up so I can actually do something w/it.

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