Cochin Thread!!!

Or, if the majority are not really going to show birds, so a chicken related craft.  Pinterest always has great ideas for all ages.

There are some really cute things there! My mother was a quilter, and sewed all my life, when she retired, quilting was her greatest passion. I have big Mason jars full of buttons that she kept. Anything that got thrown away got the buttons taken off first. I think I'll have to make one of those chickens from her buttons. :)
And then there were 4 :(
I rehomed my Blue cockerel yesterday and had to sell a pullet with him just to find him a home.
Only good thing was I recouped the money I paid for these guys as chicks. Harley is already being far kinder and gentler to his ladies!


Brassy feathers come from to much natural sunlight from their run,or from free ranging,and from their diet of leafy greens,fruit,and feed(mostly corn). Brassiness of the white feathering on your chicken is nothing to worry about. Nothing is wrong with your chicken. Actually it is showing that it is getting a great diet and is happy. White chickens have a recessive (yellow) gene that can be triggered by diet and sun. If u are not showing your chickens then I would just let them go and do their thing and stay happy. To take things away from their diet or alter there sunlight to keep them from becoming brassy you might be doing more harm then good. A healthy chicken is a happy chicken. But if you are adamant on keeping them white then you can take away leafy greens,fruit, and corn from their diet,and keep them in shaded areas, and by restrictions of where they can roam. But doing this can stress your chicken out and cause them to not be healthy and drop in production. All in all just let them be. They are happy and healthy. Their white feathers will come back every year when they molt.
This is my first time having Cochin's. I picked up a Black and a Partridge chick back in April. The black one has come into lay and lays the most adorable, teeny, tiny eggs. The partridge is a little slower to mature.

Just wanted to say that I'm totally in love w/ this breed. The black one looks like a stuffed animal. She is simply adorable. I love her little walk w/ her fancy, feathered feet. And she is sooooooo soft. I can't wait for her to molt next year so I can save some of her feathers.

I just can't wait to go outside and see her every chance I can get. I'm dreading the whole broody thing. But maybe I'll let one or both of them raise some babies next spring if my schedule permits.
Glad you are enjoying your girls. No guarantee that they will go broody but the breed is prone to it. I have a girl who is 2 1/2 and has never been broody. You just never know

Yea, I get that. I have a bunch of Buff Orpingtons and was really hoping one would go broody this spring and raise babies for me but nope. Had to raise them myself. Oh well.
Just wanted to post a pic of my pretty boy, Grayson. Hadn't intended to have a rooster, but since I got one we've bought a "no crow" color for him and are going to try to keep him. So far, he hasn't crowed (he's about 5 months old), so maybe it's working.

Also a photo of Margaret, who's the same age.

I also have 3 partridge cochin hens that are about a year and a half. Only one of them has gone broody, but I separated her and kept her cool and she came out of it pretty quickly - then immediately did a complete molt.
Just wanted to post a pic of my pretty boy, Grayson. Hadn't intended to have a rooster, but since I got one we've bought a "no crow" color for him and are going to try to keep him. So far, he hasn't crowed (he's about 5 months old), so maybe it's working. Also a photo of Margaret, who's the same age. I also have 3 partridge cochin hens that are about a year and a half. Only one of them has gone broody, but I separated her and kept her cool and she came out of it pretty quickly - then immediately did a complete molt.
Both very pretty! I like them lots! :)
Thanks! Margaret is the sweetest girl and even comes when I call her name. Grayson is also a sweetie, though he's not so thrilled with me since I put the collar on him. I get a lot of nasty side-eye looks from him now. He is also afraid of my older girls and high-tails it behind the coop every time they get close to him. I'm hoping he gets over that! lol

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