Cochin Thread!!!

How in the world did you find out so quickly?

As luck would have it I took a couple pictures for a Poultry Press Ad last night when I got home.

Maryland State Poultry Fanciers Association 2010

Show Champion

Reserve Asiatic

BV Large Buff

They are all just STUNNING!!! (And the results were already posted on the CI forum!)
i love the White hen. She's Gorgeous!!!

I am quite partial to white hens, though.
My first Cochin Love.
I lost track at about page 200 did we ever round up pictures of the brassy back cochin? If not I got a brassy back blue over 2 blue hens. I willbe posting some picsof my standard cochins soon enough. fair warning.
How in the world did you find out so quickly?

As luck would have it I took a couple pictures for a Poultry Press Ad last night when I got home.

Maryland State Poultry Fanciers Association 2010

Show Champion

Reserve Asiatic

BV Large Buff

Congratulations! You really do have beautiful birds and you deserve a huge congrats. You must be very proud of your accomplishments.
Such beautiful birds, Tom.
I was in Baltimore this weekend for the National Middle School Association conference. I wanted to go see Chickens but since the state was paying for my trip I thought not. OHHHHHHHH the chickens would have been more fun. Teaching is getting impossible. I'm sad that my job is so hard, but chickens (esp. Cochins) are a good stress reliever.
Cochinman, Do you withhold food from your birds at a show? I saw a great deal of this at the show this weekend. Then the owner would stand an aisle behind the judge with food in a can.

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