Cochin Thread!!!

standard sized cochins seem to have problems with breaking the eggs under them. the bantams seem to do a better job at not breaking the eggs and still being able to cover a lot of them at the same time! but i have only had the bantams and know about the lf issues from reading this thread! someone else my tell you the goods/bad of the lf/bantams.
Chickie'sMoma :

standard sized cochins seem to have problems with breaking the eggs under them. the bantams seem to do a better job at not breaking the eggs and still being able to cover a lot of them at the same time! but i have only had the bantams and know about the lf issues from reading this thread! someone else my tell you the goods/bad of the lf/bantams.

Hummm... That is some very good knowledge to be aware of. I'm hoping for a 15~20 egg clutch size (hoping for 12~15 hatched). Can the bantam handle X-large/Jumbo eggs of that clutch size?​
Hummm... That is some very good knowledge to be aware of. I'm hoping for a 15~20 egg clutch size (hoping for 12~15 hatched). Can the bantam handle X-large/Jumbo eggs of that clutch size?

I would not put more than 4 maybe five large eggs under a broody bantam cochin.
My bantam Mottleds sit on 10 to 12 at a time sometimes. My Standard Blacks would only sit on 6 at a time. We never had any broken eggs but they just never sat on any more than 6 at a time.

Another good mother to sit on eggs...Muscovy ducks!! The only draw back is you have to watch when the chicks are due to be hatched because they'll take those chicks right to the water and they'll drown. Nothing can move my Muscovy's off a nest! LOL

Are you planning on showing? Sandhill would be the best if you were trying to show.
But if you just want them as pets it wouldnt matter :)

Neither... I want them primarily as brooders/mothers. The "extras" with be invited over for dinner. They will be surrogates for my main flock of Delawares. I'll want to keep a flock just big enough to fulfill their role and own procreation. The rest, just as with the Delawares, with become supper-birds.

ohh, well then the "quality" would be the same across the board. I have heard mixed reviews about mcmurrys vigor in chicks though
Hummm... Looks like I'm still leaning toward the LF Cochins. I've read the partridge variety are a little smaller than the other LF Cochins. Might be a good compromise between the LF and the bantams... Furthermore; ALL will/are completely free-range. Thus, my broodies will need to be able to run with the large Delawares.

Super feedback!
okay question!

is cochin "white" recessive or dominant as far as genetics go?

i am thinking of getting some white frizzles in the spring and i want a mille fleur rooster and i am wondering if i breed a white frizzle to him would it make more white frizzles or would they be speckly weirdos? also what about their grandkids?

sorry if this is a dumb question!
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my bantams have been able to sit on upwards of 12-14 small to medium sized eggs at a time. my last cochin to go broody had 14 medium sized faverolles eggs under her-2 were duds half way through, 10 hatched, 1 crushed in the egg just before it was due to hatch (mom was getting fidgety her last day when most chicks hatched) and one i thought was a dud near the end and i cracked it with a live chick
.i had to move her to her own area since she kept trying to take on more and more eggs.

as for hatchery cochins, i couldn't recommend any of them since i have only 2 that i know have come from McMurray, the rest come from local breeders! the girl is a bantam buff and only 7 weeks old but looking very much like she should for a decent cochin! the other cochin i got with her is a cockerel and he hasn't been filling in as nicely or quickly on the feathers as i would like. so they are hit or miss on their quality.

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