Cochin Thread!!!

Well that looks interesting, but still, the lavender birds with a darker head/neck are prettier if you ask me...rather than a pure lav bird I mean...thanks for explaining.

I believe what you're referring to is a very light blue bird. I like them also, however in the world of "proper" cochins, there is no place for them, other than as pets. The proper blue color is more of a navy blue. It is two tone, laced hopefully, the head is darker than the rest of the body, the roo is very dark above and lighter on the lower part of his body.
This is one of my first cochins. I still have her, but she is only used as a broody. This pale blue is not an acceptable color for a cochin.

This is the more appropriate "navy" blue that I was describing.

I think it was this thread that someone mentioned that there are no good birchens around. They are out there, you've just got to know where to look. This is one of my roos.

and my first birchen hen.

I've got some hens that are much better than this now.
Well that looks interesting, but still, the lavender birds with a darker head/neck are prettier if you ask me...rather than a pure lav bird I mean...thanks for explaining.

I believe what you're referring to is a very light blue bird. I like them also, however in the world of "proper" cochins, there is no place for them, other than as pets. The proper blue color is more of a navy blue. It is two tone, laced hopefully, the head is darker than the rest of the body, the roo is very dark above and lighter on the lower part of his body.
This is one of my first cochins. I still have her, but she is only used as a broody. This pale blue is not an acceptable color for a cochin. Chickens/gracie4.jpg
This is the more appropriate "navy" blue that I was describing. Chickens/beau1.jpg
I think it was this thread that someone mentioned that there are no good birchens around. They are out there, you've just got to know where to look. This is one of my roos. Chickens/george-024.jpg
and my first birchen hen. Chickens/birchenpullet2.jpg
I've got some hens that are much better than this now.

Wow, What a nice color
Well that looks interesting, but still, the lavender birds with a darker head/neck are prettier if you ask me...rather than a pure lav bird I mean...thanks for explaining.

I believe what you're referring to is a very light blue bird. I like them also, however in the world of "proper" cochins, there is no place for them, other than as pets. The proper blue color is more of a navy blue. It is two tone, laced hopefully, the head is darker than the rest of the body, the roo is very dark above and lighter on the lower part of his body.
This is one of my first cochins. I still have her, but she is only used as a broody. This pale blue is not an acceptable color for a cochin. Chickens/gracie4.jpg
This is the more appropriate "navy" blue that I was describing. Chickens/beau1.jpg
I think it was this thread that someone mentioned that there are no good birchens around. They are out there, you've just got to know where to look. This is one of my roos. Chickens/george-024.jpg
and my first birchen hen. Chickens/birchenpullet2.jpg
I've got some hens that are much better than this now.

Interesting info. on Blues - I was lamenting that my one blue pullet, hatched with 4 black mottles, was so dark.
P.S. I love your signature line quote about dogs.
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Well that looks interesting, but still, the lavender birds with a darker head/neck are prettier if you ask me...rather than a pure lav bird I mean...thanks for explaining.

I believe what you're referring to is a very light blue bird. I like them also, however in the world of "proper" cochins, there is no place for them, other than as pets. The proper blue color is more of a navy blue. It is two tone, laced hopefully, the head is darker than the rest of the body, the roo is very dark above and lighter on the lower part of his body.
This is one of my first cochins. I still have her, but she is only used as a broody. This pale blue is not an acceptable color for a cochin. Chickens/gracie4.jpg
This is the more appropriate "navy" blue that I was describing. Chickens/beau1.jpg
I think it was this thread that someone mentioned that there are no good birchens around. They are out there, you've just got to know where to look. This is one of my roos. Chickens/george-024.jpg
and my first birchen hen. Chickens/birchenpullet2.jpg
I've got some hens that are much better than this now.

Very beautiful!! And thanx for sharing pics of your Birchens! I have a question regarding your Blue hen - if she had nice visible lacing on all her feathers, would you still consider her "too light"? She looks pretty good to me except that I don't see any lacing.
When I got my first little blue hen that is so nice now, I thought she was black in the beginning, as she got older I noticed lacing on her contour feathers. She matured to the lovely dark blue, laced with navy and almost black head.
This is her as an adolescent. Wish I had a current pic.

Oh and the signature line.....I fell in love with when I saw it. I don't know the gal, but I've given her the credit for it. It couldn't be more true for who I am if I had written it myself.
Unfortunately yes. I held on to her in spite of getting continuous feedback that I should cut her due to color, because I love the light blue and her type is very good. But you may be able to see, she also has some uneven coloring in a pattern throughout her body feathers, plus there is a brown tinge in her hackle feathers. All in all, her color is just all wrong. I still love her dearly and she makes a wonderful broody. She and an ugly little black hen I have are my best incubators, and I love to watch them and the roos with their babies after the hatch.
There is NO such thing as a Lavender Cochin. They are blues or a variation of blue. Check all recognized colors for cochins. Lavender is not in the standards. Enjoy your birds but call them what they are (Blues, light blues, self blue, ect,) and don't confuse the public. Write a standard and go through all the process to get a color/variation recognized then you can call and advertise birds as lavenders.
I am certainly no expert, but the Lavender (or self-blue) is a completely different genetic color from the regular blue. They may not be a recognized color yet, but they are indeed a separate color.


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