Cochin Thread!!!

Hi Mike!
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess that the blacks are from APA/ABA judge James Cooper in TX. He lists on BidBird auctions frequently. He doesn't have any Cochins listed at the moment, but he does have some d'Anvers listed, and the listing includes his phone #. He lists Black Cochins there frequently.

I am a "newbie" here and to raising chickens in general. And a grand example of my newbieness was made apparent yesterday because until then I thought these little guys where Rhode Islands (Which is what I was told when we bought them). But upon doing some research and reading the great information on BYC, I have discovered that they are more than likely Red Cochins.

And surprise, surprise I was also told that they were pullets

But never the less we are happy to have them. the only problem now is that I have to build a separate enclosure for thees guys so the larger Roo doesn't bring the smack down on them. LOL
I am a "newbie" here and to raising chickens in general. And a grand example of my newbieness was made apparent yesterday because until then I thought these little guys where Rhode Islands (Which is what I was told when we bought them). But upon doing some research and reading the great information on BYC, I have discovered that they are more than likely Red Cochins.
And surprise, surprise I was also told that they were pullets

But never the less we are happy to have them. the only problem now is that I have to build a separate enclosure for thees guys so the larger Roo doesn't bring the smack down on them. LOL
not positive, but the one in the front could be a pullet the other definitely a roo (more red on the comb).

as for cochin, i'd say they have cochin in them, but the stature is not quite right, and they should have feathering down the center toe as well as the outside one. so i'd probably hazard a guess that RIR might be in there somewhere as well as cochin...
How long does it take for feathers to grow back? If they ever do, being as a few of my girls have stripped completely nude in a stand off over eggs!!! lol
Are Cochins slow at maturing? Because my Cinnamon is sooo small compared to my other chickens. I know BRs are supposed to be bigger it just seems like Cinnamon has stopped growing and is the size of an adult Serama. Nugget who is my Silkie (and Silkies are slow at maturing) has already out grown Cinnamon. I'm really thinking that she is not pure Cochin even those the guy I got her from keeps all his bird separate.
This is my Cinnamon - also I'm always calling Cinnamon a she, however I'm not really sure. She is about 5 month now. No crowing as of yet. What do you all think?

Perhaps the breeder was working on Red Cochins, by breeding in RIRs.

I went out and checked them both really well and they both have feathered center toes. There is no doubt that the cockerel has feathered center toes but the pullets center feathers are much small and much harder to notice right now. So it appears that they are Red Cochins. Thanks for the help !!!

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