Cochin Thread!!!

I purchased 2 pair of black bantam's last week from a gentleman in Texas. I didn't ask permission to use his name, so I won't. I'm really happy with them and wanted to show them off. He said they are about 6 to 7 months old. They didn't want to cooperated. These are the best two pictures out of a hundred. LOL

Pair #1

Pair # 2
I love them! Great type and wide feathers.
I purchased 2 pair of black bantam's last week from a gentleman in Texas. I didn't ask permission to use his name, so I won't. I'm really happy with them and wanted to show them off. He said they are about 6 to 7 months old. They didn't want to cooperated. These are the best two pictures out of a hundred. LOL

Pair #1

Pair # 2

good looking birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I purchased 2 pair of black bantam's last week from a gentleman in Texas. I didn't ask permission to use his name, so I won't. I'm really happy with them and wanted to show them off. He said they are about 6 to 7 months old. They didn't want to cooperated. These are the best two pictures out of a hundred. LOL

Pair #1

Pair # 2
Beautiful!! I love that they have nice wide feathers in the cushions.
I purchased 2 pair of black bantam's last week from a gentleman in Texas. I didn't ask permission to use his name, so I won't. I'm really happy with them and wanted to show them off. He said they are about 6 to 7 months old. They didn't want to cooperated. These are the best two pictures out of a hundred. LOL

Pair #1

Pair # 2
Ok according to this website and some of the responses I got on sexing my Milles looks like I have sexed them correctly. Now it's time to sex the Mottled, I have attached 3 pictures of each.

This first one, I would say a Boy..

This Second one i would say a GIRL. Not sure if she should have a BLACK Beak??? Perhaps MIXED??

This third one Another BOY. and I think he's pretty obvisous...LOL

In response to Chickcrazycharlie: Very nice looking Cochins! I have an idea, based on the quality of the birds, who the breeder in Texas is that produced these birds. He has great birds and I have a few of his also if we are talking about the same guy. J.C. A judge?
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Ugh! I am so jealous of all these black bantam Cochins! I do have 9 developing in the incubator, but I can't help but feel like I am just not meant to own them. I am honestly considering selling 2 of my Chocolate Orp cockerels and use that money for some black Bantam girls. Heck, maybe I will just scratch the whole chocolate bantam Cochin idea. I obviously had a diluted sense of financial debt these birds would cause.

@Lacrystol - I agree, #1 boy, #2 girl, #3 boy!
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Hi everyone!
I have 3 Cochin bantams. 2 are red, 1 of which is a frizzle. They are 7 weeks old. The 3rd I just hatched out 8 days ago, along with some wyandotte bantams. I'm looking for a little help identifying the 3rd Cochin's color. I'm guessing buff columbian, but could be way off. What do you think? Definitely looking like a pullet to me.

In response to Chickcrazycharlie: Very nice looking Cochins! I have an idea, based on the quality of the birds, who the breeder in Texas is that produced these birds. He has great birds and I have a few of his also if we are talking about the same guy. J.C. A judge?
Maybe I am just shooting in the dark but could I get info on how to get ahold of this person ? I am looking for some really nice typed blacks and these seem to fit the bill Thanx for your help

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