Cochin Thread!!!

My blue Cochin hens are 24 weeks and three days old. I haven't had the first egg! Is this normal? I read that Cochins begin laying later than other breeds… What say ye, Cochin peeps? I'm trying to be patient!

WOW 24 weeks???? Mine were a yr old and never laid. I sold mistake...they DO take a long time.
I found someone giving away a black LF Cochin! and I got him!

I have 2 Blue or Blue Splash and 2 Red Frizzles but I think they are bantams although I asked for LF. I got them on 7/5, how long does it take them to grow? The blue cockerel is crowing, he's not good at it yet but he is trying......and trying and trying. LOL The black I got yesterday is 6 months old and he is huge! I do not think he is a giant Cochin, I think the man I got him from fed him VERY well. I am going to try to copy his way of feeding and see if my birds bulk up a bit.

The man said Blackie knows what he is doing in the breeding department but I didn't think to ask if there has been any chicks. I guess I better ask, although, I am just happy to have my first LF Cochin.
Does this look like hatchery stock or breeder. I asked the wife of the guy we got them from and she said they were just chickens. I will get better picks later these are phone picks.



And this bantam Cochin.


I love my standard cochins very much, and have built up a beautiful flock of 15 good birds. But sadly, I am coming to the realization that although these cochins eat a lot, they really don't produce a lot of eggs (like maybe 7-8 a week between the lot of them!). I know they aren't a breed that is known to produce a lot, and that they have many other attributes such as being adorable and so sweet, but can I do anything to help them produce more eggs? How many eggs are you getting from your cochins?
I love my standard cochins very much, and have built up a beautiful flock of 15 good birds. But sadly, I am coming to the realization that although these cochins eat a lot, they really don't produce a lot of eggs (like maybe 7-8 a week between the lot of them!). I know they aren't a breed that is known to produce a lot, and that they have many other attributes such as being adorable and so sweet, but can I do anything to help them produce more eggs? How many eggs are you getting from your cochi
More light? More protein and fat in feed? Not keeping any birds over 3 years old if egg production is a criteria.
I love my standard cochins very much, and have built up a beautiful flock of 15 good birds. But sadly, I am coming to the realization that although these cochins eat a lot, they really don't produce a lot of eggs (like maybe 7-8 a week between the lot of them!). I know they aren't a breed that is known to produce a lot, and that they have many other attributes such as being adorable and so sweet, but can I do anything to help them produce more eggs? How many eggs are you getting from your cochins?

I loved my standard cochins very much also, they were gorgeous!!! Like you said "adorable" and so sweet and gentle. BUT I also couldn't afford to feed the non-layers, they were purchased from a breeder, excellent stock as just chicks, I fed them GOOD for a yr and still no eggs.
Finally sold them, I needed EGGS!
Husband didn't think much of feeding those big birds and then buying eggs.
I loved the look of the Cochins so much, I got some bantam cochins and am in love with them, they have all the qualities of the LF but much smaller.
Just as pretty, and just as sweet. Seems they lay more eggs by far and start much younger.
I also go some LF Wyandotte hens, just 4, they don't eat too much and fill in the gap when the cochins don't lay. It's a good compromise.
This summer I had a huge surplus of eggs, they were over taking the refrig.
Your birds will sell good and you could then buy the smaller "economy" size.

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