Cochin Thread!!!

Those boys are too funny!! When we were working on a new coop last year my splash boy would find screws and nails we had dropped on the ground and bring them to me. I thought that was quite clever of him.

My big pen is on the site of an old garden and my Black rooster, Cowboy, finds shards of old cobalt glass for me.
Those boys are too funny!! When we were working on a new coop last year my splash boy would find screws and nails we had dropped on the ground and bring them to me. I thought that was quite clever of him.


My big pen is on the site of an old garden and my Black rooster, Cowboy, finds shards of old cobalt glass for me.

Gotta love those boys. A friend of mine has some bantam cochins and when she feeds them scratch in the morning the boys call over the

ground squirrels and offers it up to them.
I have a question and if I missed the answer in any of the previous post I am very sorry.
I know answering the same question over and over has to get a lit bit tiring.
So my question is, I have five partridge bantam Cochin chicks, and they all have pattern/ penciling in their feathers all over their bodies. Since the roosters and hens are different patterned is this any indication on sex? Or do they both start off with the same Feather pattern and change later on. They are four weeks old.

Thanks everyone.
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I also have partridge bantams, and am also a newbie!
I have found that they all start off with a barred feather pattern, but the boys will start getting in some black feathers at the base of his hackles in the next couple of weeks. By now the boys should have combs which are bigger than the pullets and turning pink. The hackle feathers just confirm my suspicions on which chicks are boys or girls. Good Luck with your peeps.

How would you explain it Lilcrow? You have partridges, too.
A few questions:

Will a mottled bird darken up as it molts the second time....losing the white feathers for more of the black? I have some babies that are mottled.

In LF the age of 9 weeks, shouldn't I be able to distinguish the roos by thei size of the comb? I have not had cochin chicks in such a long time. With other breeds, I can sex by the feathers on their backs as well as the combs. I think the one on the left is a pullet and the one on the right is a I correct? These babies are from eggs purchased from Jim Heintz.

Third question....this is Popeye. Is his type condusive to breeding? I spent almost $200 for surgery for him when he was about 5 months. He had a sinus infection where the sinus became impacted. That's why his name is Popeye. He is now over a year old. His bloodline is Bo Garretts but he was purchased from another breeder.
wow - beautiful splash!!!!

They both look like pullets to me and the black a cockerel.

A few questions:

Will a mottled bird darken up as it molts the second time....losing the white feathers for more of the black? I have some babies that are mottled.

In LF the age of 9 weeks, shouldn't I be able to distinguish the roos by thei size of the comb? I have not had cochin chicks in such a long time. With other breeds, I can sex by the feathers on their backs as well as the combs. I think the one on the left is a pullet and the one on the right is a I correct? These babies are from eggs purchased from Jim Heintz.

Third question....this is Popeye. Is his type condusive to breeding? I spent almost $200 for surgery for him when he was about 5 months. He had a sinus infection where the sinus became impacted. That's why his name is Popeye. He is now over a year old. His bloodline is Bo Garretts but he was purchased from another breeder.
A few questions:

Will a mottled bird darken up as it molts the second time....losing the white feathers for more of the black? I have some babies that are mottled.

In LF the age of 9 weeks, shouldn't I be able to distinguish the roos by thei size of the comb? I have not had cochin chicks in such a long time. With other breeds, I can sex by the feathers on their backs as well as the combs. I think the one on the left is a pullet and the one on the right is a I correct? These babies are from eggs purchased from Jim Heintz.

Third question....this is Popeye. Is his type condusive to breeding? I spent almost $200 for surgery for him when he was about 5 months. He had a sinus infection where the sinus became impacted. That's why his name is Popeye. He is now over a year old. His bloodline is Bo Garretts but he was purchased from another breeder.

the 2 splash look like pullets, the black is a cockerel. and most of my black chicks have a lot of white scattered, then when they moult the white is gone.
here's one of my black/lavender pullets, at 4 weeks and 3 months old... (lavender, self blue... i think blue is confusing to many since there are 2 types blue... so i keep saying lavender, since that is the name of the gene, if not the color).

edit: the lighter areas on her feathers are just from the glossy feathers and reflection from the flash... she hadn't learned where her new 'home' was and decided she was just fine on the shavings next to the door LOL
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the 2 splash look like pullets, the black is a cockerel. and most of my black chicks have a lot of white scattered, then when they moult the white is gone.
here's one of my black/lavender pullets, at 4 weeks and 3 months old... (lavender, self blue... i think blue is confusing to many since there are 2 types blue... so i keep saying lavender, since that is the name of the gene, if not the color).

edit: the lighter areas on her feathers are just from the glossy feathers and reflection from the flash... she hadn't learned where her new 'home' was and decided she was just fine on the shavings next to the door LOL

She's so pretty
A few questions:

Will a mottled bird darken up as it molts the second time....losing the white feathers for more of the black? I have some babies that are mottled.

In LF the age of 9 weeks, shouldn't I be able to distinguish the roos by thei size of the comb? I have not had cochin chicks in such a long time. With other breeds, I can sex by the feathers on their backs as well as the combs. I think the one on the left is a pullet and the one on the right is a I correct? These babies are from eggs purchased from Jim Heintz.

Third question....this is Popeye. Is his type condusive to breeding? I spent almost $200 for surgery for him when he was about 5 months. He had a sinus infection where the sinus became impacted. That's why his name is Popeye. He is now over a year old. His bloodline is Bo Garretts but he was purchased from another breeder.

Pretty Splash !

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