Cockeral randomly dropping head, HELP!


Aug 11, 2019
For the last 3 days our cockeral has been randomly dropping his head slowly, then moments later he will lift it back up and walk around as normal. He's seemingly otherwise healthy and eating normally. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas as to what could be wrong??
Welcome to BYC. Videos can be posted on YouTube or Vimeo with a link here for us to see them. If you cannot post a video, try taking a picture. Does his head drop seem involuntary as is seen sometimes in wry neck? I have an older rooster who curls his neck under his body at times, while acting normal when he is walking around or eating. Wry neck or torticolis is only a symptom, and it can be due to a head injury, a vitamin E or B1 (thiamine) deficiency, and is seen in some diseases that affect the nervous system (Mareks disease, Newcastles, fowl cholera, and others.) Sometimes it can be genetic. Mist people give some chicken vitamins with thiamine and 400 IU of vitamin E daily. The following link is good except that they wrongly recommend E and B12 instead of B1:

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