Thank you! Yeah, let me see if they will upload. I’m in town so I can only have 4, but plan to have more when I move outside of town. 3 Bantys and a Gold Sex Link. Bantys: gold seabright, golden silkie, barred chicken.
floor looks like crap now, I raked it yesterday and made a holder for it and didn’t get to the mowing yesterday to put in the clippings, got too tired. And then it rained last night lol. My freaking luck.
Dimensions: run is apx 7x9, coop 3x6.
i made modifications to it, like adding ventilation and a board to hold in more straw for the nesting boxes.
other than having my husband help me with the posts, cement and the goat fence, I did it all by myself.
We're accustomed to this miserable weather. Apparently folks in WA and Ore are not and many do not even have AC resulting in increased weather related deaths. :(
yes- I am in Texas- it is where God lives- He vacations in hades, it is cooler.
I grew up in south GA, spent 20 years in virginia, came back home after I retired, yeah it's hot in summer and we have hurricanes, but still love it, folks out west and all over are having ruff, heat, fire, covid, floods, and torando's, but this is our home, all of us, we bought it blood sweat and tears,

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