Coffee's ready...

Well than my coffee should taste like dirt... ha ha... My house looks like hurricane catrina hit... It is a disheveled disaster... Coffee would taste better.. had to find a cup... ha ha... No sleep... pipping kept me up... I am in high hope of some white glove treatment today!!!

Lots to do.. My brooder isn't set up so.. that is priority one...well after my second cup
Geebs - you have pipping??!!! I wouldn't even notice the dirt then!!! That would have me glued to the bator!! How exciting!!!! Ummm... you will post at least one pict for us won't you?
yeah.. but I am having humidity trouble... I have two out and 8 pipped and there is NOT enough moisture... I am running at 39 percent and I need 65 or so...I will have to interveen after a while... it is going to be an ugly hatch.
I am however excited anyway....I have another batch ready to go in the (that is my consolation here) I will do what I can... My fertility and pip average is GREAT.. Dang bator!!! These are the first from my own flock that I have hatched..(my marans flock)...They are definetly harder to hatch than cochins.
Good morning chicken wranglers
13 above this morning. What a relief. Fog in the valley.Is Arizona cozy? What about central Pa.? I was up at 3;00 and after it all in a big way! 1/2 hr on the excersize bike 1/2 hr. in the sauna I've shrunk up to a prune. Tell the wife" do not bake me any cookies "gotta keep my mojo going. Oh well It always dies at beer time anyway,God bless everyone have a great day!
okay... sorry I was gone so long... refilled the mojo and now here is the current babies... Sorry about the pix quality... cruddy cam.. Eggs are far more exciting than they appear... ha ha


I hope this works.. I am not good at this stuff... but this is more practice
Good morning, everyone!
Just sat down with my first cup...horses are fed, chickens are tended to, and now it's time to relax for a little while.

Geebs: Best of luck with the rest of your hatch. I've heard that Marans are very difficult to hatch.
But those little peeps that have hatched already sure are cutie patooties!

Tonopah: I have bantam Frizzle Polish, and sometimes they decide to pick on someone and pull out their crest feathers.
I've used Vaseline to stop the picking and it usually works...the others do not like the taste of it at all. And once the skin is healed, I change over to a sulfur/motor oil mixture that REALLY makes the feathers grow in quickly. That mixture works great on just about any livestock to make hair/fur/feathers grow in over an injury.
It's morning again - too soon. It's eight degrees, and these temperatures are making me cranky. But I smell the coffee and I can hear that it's stopped brewing, so I am off to fill my first cup. I am so thankful for the little things of life, like coffee - they make the big things bearable. Have a wonderful day, Everyone!
Hi everyone:frow yep is is cozy in Az. We do have something moving in. Lots of clouds started rolling in yesterday late afternoon. WE could use some rain. It looks as if the north and east valley will get the rain and snow in the high country.

Boy this first cup of coffee sure taste good. I have one of my dogs fed, Abby the Basset. The other dog, Honey Boy Bear ( Bear), for short,and Archie my attack cat. are outside yet. Usually Archie is mewing for his food first thing. He is as bad as Abby. I had better check on that little bugger. Be right back.
. Nope they did not come. I had better go outside and see what is going on. BY for now.
Good morning! My day off and I get to do a hay run. Scarce this year for sure. I wish I had more land so I could grow my own! Nothing is fed yet here except the inside stuff. Lonely without Charlie crowing. That dumb JRT just jumped off my legs and stuck her foot in a cage wire. On three legs again! She is such a crazy dog...well gotta get another cup and head out. Have a great day everyone! Terri O in WI

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