Coffee's ready...

Morning folks,
Coffeed out and stayed up after DW and SIL and DD went to work. Other DD is back in bed she's due anytime now I guess. I'm the Dad I dont' keep track of dates. Plus when it's time, it's time.

Have grass to mow , but dang! The skeeters are so big here they like' ta carry you off. Lord have mercy!

Karl I used raised beds for my garlic and you can use them for you onions and taters too, I would think. I've seen where a guy used old tires to grow taters. You just start out with one and then put another on top and fill it with dirt and then when you are done with a few more tires tip the whole thing over and harvest the taters. No diggin and hillin'.

Seems to me with raised beds you could just do the same. Just put two beds side by side, throw the soil from one to the other at harvest time. Not hard packed down soil. The soil for my garlic was so loose I just pulled and up the bulbs came. I figure with a two by four foot bed you could probably just lift the sides off and the taters would fall right out. Set the bed next to the pile and throw the soil into it as you harvest your taters.

Raised beds give your more control over where the water goes if you water and easier addition of compost.

Well gotta go

have a nice day
Good Morning! I made the perfect cup of coffee this a.m. and am ready to start the day. It is overcast, and since I pretty much let the sun wake me, I slept in a little because it was dark. Kind of nice.
Karl, that potatoe thing that Rancher was talking about works pretty good, that is how my neighbor does hers. Depends on how much you are growing. I think I would grow my storing potatoes the old fashiond way and put my yummy purples and and others that don't keep as well in those because I grow less of them. In Oregon here, so I hear ya about the clay, it is a cruel thing to have to work in the summer! I have garden envy this year! Didn't get mine in due to being too busy building poultry housing.
But I am already forming the beds for next year with the tremendous amount of muck hay we have from the birds, goats, ect. Oesdog, sending good thoughts your way for your new grandchild on the way! Congrats on the hatch Sissy! Drooling over the Fall Special in the auction section right now... sigh. No more shipped eggs, I have horrible luck with them. Oh well. Horses are waiting at the gate for grain, hens clucking, goats bahhing, and the Roos are a'crowin'. LOL, I guess that's my cue. Have a good one y'all!
Just a thought, it would help if folks put down where they are "From", so we know what state and city. It's not likely anyone is going to hop a plane , train, or drive to find you.
But when you talk about weather or geographical things it would be nice to picture it in my mind. Unless your from Texas cuz my head ain't that big.

Have a nice day

We always use raised beds now - My DS helped to make them out of old railway sleepers. We being old folk find it easier to manage as we don;t bend as well as we used to! We always put Spuds in as it breaks up the soil. Weve had great crops this year - loads of leeks and spuds and cabbages , lettice and beans! We are comming down with tomato as well!

Oesdog -
- IRELAND!!!!!!!!!!! It is wet here most of the time!!!!!!! And your about 5 hr behind me so I always miss coffee!
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Well, now don't worry about the time, I'm retired so I check in often.

I use raised beds cuz there easier to plant. I can dig a hole without a trowel. Pull what little weeds there are without a hoe. I use a cordless weed whacker to clean weeds between the beds, but I lay cardboard between them as well so there is usually only weeds popping up here and there.

Now my Great grandpa was from County Cork as was my Gramma, though I didn't know either I can feel the connection to the Isle. I also hold to the saying, "you can always tell an Irishman but you can't tell him much".

Take care

Sorry to disapoint you - I am not Irish! I am an inport ! Also from the Northern end so they kind of like to be called Ulsterman here Not Irish - kind of sad really! I guess that means you actually might be able to tell me something?

Oesdog -
Oh actually I am not - I am from the main land England near the Bristol area. So sorry not Irish but am married into being Irish I guess and my kids were born here. I guess I have been here longer than there now!

If that makes me Irish to you then thats fine! I like being Irish! - in an English kind of way?

Oesdog -
Me grandmother was Irish,but always said scot'sIrish. I dinna can understand why.My great grandfather drank himself off of 3 railroads before 1930, if one desired verification of his nationality.

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