Coffee's ready...

If it's wet it's raining?

Yep works everytime. I points in the direction the wind is blowing, if it's icey it's cold. Great invention that the technology is about my speed.

Man the rain is sure coming down hard. Hope it doesn't last all day. I wanted to sheet the roof of the coop addition and shingle it today.
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It just started raining here. So much for getting my coop remodeled.
But at least I won't have to water the garden today.
I'm gonna have to put up another brooder in the garage and get these Chantecler chicks (that Opa is MORE THAN WELCOME TO COME AND GET
) moved out of the house. I've got more chicks hatching next week...gotta make some room!

I went and checked out the neighbor's house. Actually, it wasn't my elderly neighbor's house after was an old house a little further down the road. I'm not even sure anyone was living there...I'll have to wait and hear the news about it. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if it were a bunch of our small town hoodlum kids that started the fire.
For such a small town, we sure do have a lot of teenagers with issues. Makes me wonder where their parents are while they're busy being adolescents!
Morning everyone !!! Beautiful day today , going to start the new coop today , 12 x 16 with an 8 x 16 hoop run . Chickens have been checking out the lumber for 2 weeks now waiting for the new home . Coffee this morning is Jamacia blue mountain Yummmm.

Sure hope the neighbors are ok , scary thing fire.

I always ask my husband what the weather is going to be , he is seldom wrong , I think he can smell it.

Teenagers get bored real easy. We used to go visit our cousins in Indiana, and Minnesota during the summer. This was in very rural areas. My brother and I were more like well traveled city kids ( Military brats). We were both always amazed at what they did to pass the time......

they also viewed us as weirdos. We had strange accents, and were street wise. They always had a question for us LOL

Good morning, Phox!
Jamaica blue coffee? Very interesting.

I am a pure country girl through and through...never have and never will live in the city, or even IN town for that matter.
I was always able to find things to do, and yes, it's very ingenious at some things you can find entertainment in.
I grew up in Tennessee, running the creek banks with my best friend. I never even gave a second thought to the water moccasins that were visible beneath the logs we were running across!
With all the technology that's available today, kids don't HAVE to entertain themselves anymore...and that's really sad. I make sure my son spends WAY more time outside than inside...even in the winter.
Yep! I agree with ya. I was a lucky city kid. We traveled all the world. I've jumped off cliffs, swam with dolphins ( sharks, whales, and manta rays too), climbed mountains, swam in lakes. Snowboarded in Japan before most people even knew what snowboarding was.
My favorite place is in the mountains in New Hampshire. There's a waterfall that runs down the side of it. Picture a natural waterslide. You have to wear jean shorts when you do it, but it is so much FUN. I've done the polar bear swim, and walked on hot coals. I still white water raft with my Aunt who now lives in the Georgia mountains. We were NEVER bored.

That all being said, it always amazed me that some kids just couldn't SEE what was around them. I'd always point out to some of those kids.... Oh look at that nice forest you got there for hiking and exploring. They'd look at me like I had three heads. Thankfully, My daughter inherited the same interests. She likes to explore new things, and nature.

opa... it rained AAAALLL day and most of the night and some rain yet this morning when the weather man claimed today was to be a scorcher....

...I think you're in for rain all day... better go find an inside project to keep you busy.

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