Coffee's ready...

I am here - just doggypaddling back at my own pace!

Hope everyone is doing ok, saw the flair and thought I better paddle back to check out the coffee shop! What lovely baby chicks! Our eggs didn;t hatch but it seems I am going to be saddled with my SILS old Rooster! She wants to kill him because the eggs she gave me were not fertile. Honestly - the poor fellow wasn;t given much of a chance. So DH wants to "rescue" the old boy.
He is a bit naughty so I guess he will end up getting lots of "blanket cuddles! " Lol - where am I going to hide him from the neighbour????????

Good morning chicken wranglers
good to hear from you Oes. Paddle on in any old time. We are expecting 8 to 12 inches of snow over the week end again. Its a wonderful life. Walking in this winter wonderland like we do. March is in tomorrow "like a lion " Hope she goes out as a lamb.
Everyone keep warm . Have a great holiday .
God Bless!
oes, it's good that you're taking in the rooster. I have two extras myself.

karl, I don't know what to recommend to grow in your area. I have found valuable advice at Garden Web forums, though. There is a lot of good decaf coffee out there

I planted potatoes yesterday and found more eggs under the deck, after DH found about 45 the other day! For some reason some of the hens don't appreciate the nest boxes I built by hand
Stumpy at least you found them without running them over in late summer, well after they have rotted and are pungent.
Morning People,

Hey Stumpy,""found more eggs under the deck, after DH found about 45 the other day"" just think "the making of century eggs ( Asian fermented eggs) ""Karl: Stumpy at least you found them without running them over in late summer, well after they have rotted and are pungent."""........... Those are one thing that wont pass over my tongue. At least not in their raw state, maybe cooked or mixed in something.......

We have your cool weather hear Karl...... Maybe a light dusting of snow tomorrow into Monday.

Good looking brooder RngrBill, how are the peeps doing?

I have to put an email out and see who wants meaties this spring. We are also getting new egg layers. The grumps are slowing down. The postal office, well......... 100 - 125 chicks all at once. That's a lot of noise.

Enjoy your day

My little Iggy dog is 'blitzing' all over the living room, if he was out side on a track he would have run at least a mile by crazy doggy has spring fever or has just gone completely cabin fever nuttso..

Good morning to all..having my coffee and relaxing between chores. How is everyone else doing? It's snowing again here,
Stumpy at least you found them without running them over in late summer, well after they have rotted and are pungent.

Whew! Isn't that the truth! We would probably have had snakes galore by then, too. A few had already reached that stage.
I crawled around under there and put wire in places to try to stop the hens.
Eggs rotting - yuck ! Glad I don;t have that issue here. I was really pleased when I got 6 hens laying today out of 7. Darn
- don;t think Agnes is well or right since she got a chill back in January with Caroline. Caroline died a few weeks back. I hope Aggy improves and she doesn;t have a rotten egg stuck up her doo daa! I will have to have a good look at here tomorrow when it is light.

Dogs going bonkers? Spring fever?

My poor old english pup just got his second cut! I remember him this time last year getting the first cut ( though think it was a bit later in the year) This time I got till now and couldn't stand it anymore. Honestly the pup won't stand still to be brushed out at all and he insists on rolling in chicken poo and weeing on himself!!! If you have ever washed a full coated OES it can take days to dry out - even if I get him to stand still for the hair dryer! ( if you wash them with tats they get worse! ) So got up this am - took one last look at him in full coat and got out the shears!
Poor might was shivering in the yard and I had to bring him in I felt so giulty!!!!!
But he stank and the coat came off in one lump like a sheep! There is only so much dog a woman can handle! Murph used to sit for hours while I brushed him out and plaited him and trimmed him. - But this old beast won't sit for anything. He has the attention span of a gnat. ( Typical puppy!) Anyhow at least now he looks half decent we can go back to puppy classes next week.

Oes - this is last year. - he looks exactly the same! So much smaller than murph. like he shrank! hope he grows some!

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