Coffee's ready...

Eggs rotting - yuck ! Glad I don;t have that issue here. I was really pleased when I got 6 hens laying today out of 7. Darn
- don;t think Agnes is well or right since she got a chill back in January with Caroline. Caroline died a few weeks back. I hope Aggy improves and she doesn;t have a rotten egg stuck up her doo daa! I will have to have a good look at here tomorrow when it is light.

Dogs going bonkers? Spring fever?

My poor old english pup just got his second cut! I remember him this time last year getting the first cut ( though think it was a bit later in the year) This time I got till now and couldn't stand it anymore. Honestly the pup won't stand still to be brushed out at all and he insists on rolling in chicken poo and weeing on himself!!! If you have ever washed a full coated OES it can take days to dry out - even if I get him to stand still for the hair dryer! ( if you wash them with tats they get worse! ) So got up this am - took one last look at him in full coat and got out the shears!
Poor might was shivering in the yard and I had to bring him in I felt so giulty!!!!!
But he stank and the coat came off in one lump like a sheep! There is only so much dog a woman can handle! Murph used to sit for hours while I brushed him out and plaited him and trimmed him. - But this old beast won't sit for anything. He has the attention span of a gnat. ( Typical puppy!) Anyhow at least now he looks half decent we can go back to puppy classes next week.

Oes - this is last year. - he looks exactly the same! So much smaller than murph. like he shrank! hope he grows some!
What a cutie! Well hopefully the weather will turn soon and he will be a ready. I can not stand a stinky dog either. If they won't stand for a clean up off with their coat..that is how I feel too. He is just so cute!. Thanks for sharing and good luck at puppy classes!
oes, he's so cute. I owned poodles for about 25 years and did my own grooming. It can be a lot of work.
Hey hangtown. after reading your last post I went back out and tried putting a regular light out there and I don't know if it was me or she but one to the wee things found her way to the floor. Higher sides up now. It is amazing how fast they are growing. Put them in the carry home box yesterday to do some cleaning and they hardly fit. their wings are starting to feather out by leaps and bounds also. Have one with a pasty but and have been keeping up on that .
been using the carry home box to keep track of whom I checked that will soon need replacing.
Karl they are in the garage attached to the house. Nice and quiet except when the grandkids come over. it is unheated but I have not seen it get down below forty.
Bailey can be a bit of a handful - he is a might easier to live with now he is clean! It is hard to keep teenage boys clean of anykind! lol

Good morning chicken wranglers
Oes what a cute pup. I could not imagine the maintainance on the coat of one of those huge beasts. Blyth real poodles or toy?
Rngr couple of friends went to Hawaii ,we received 4 inches of snow they keep sending pics to me to rub my nose in it.
Why did I ever leave that nice warm climate.
God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Yes Blythe I was asking about the poodles, many people think of a toy when one says poodle never realizing that there are different types. I have never owned a poodle but the standard poodles have impressed me when I have seen them.
Do you have to groom the standards as often as the toys? I have heard that the toys have to be groomed to keep them from having problems?
They have the brooders out at TSC so it will not be long now. I will get ducks and chicks. They will have to be cared for and the barn cat kept out of them. I'm sure the cat will look at them with eager longing and a great desire to dine.
God Bless!
Karl, it's me, Stumpy, that was talking about poodles.

Grooming the standards is a big job, but in some ways easier than toy poodles. Getting in between the toes of toy poodles, for instance, is more tedious. The longer the hair, the more brushing and maintenance it takes. Hair grows between their toes, on the bottom of their feet, inside their ears, etc.

I was in TSC today and saw that they had chicks. I didn't let myself look at them.
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rough week up at 2 am all week. Hope the stress eases up.
Stumpy I knew there was something about the grooming of the poodles ,thanks for clearing that up .Rngr how is the brood coming along? Flying yet? Q where is our update?
Oes hope your load has eased up , I know it is hard to loose the long time pets. Well off to the grind.
God Bless!

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