Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken Wranglers,
Felix, your weather is on the mend then? We have had cool weather but it is going to turn very warm for the next few days.
My R.I. reds gave me some eggs finally! We will see haw the rest of the days go When they al mature I should be getting around a dozen a day.
New calf again this morning, Linney, and Pandora went very close together. I will send a couple of pics tomorrow. The new bull calf is all black, Too bad he has dairy blood lines I need a black bull that will give me all black calves for the market.
Rancher hope you reap the successful reward of accomplishment one gets from a day of plentiful achievement.
God Bless!
ghost is looking good. One can really see how much he has grown when put side by side with the calves that are only a couple of days old.
We were comparing the pictures of the horses to the size they are after one month and the way they have grown is phenomenal also.
the younger that they are the more rapid the progress respectively.
Chickens still get you into meat faster than any other animal!
ghost is looking good. One can really see how much he has grown when put side by side with the calves that are only a couple of days old.
We were comparing the pictures of the horses to the size they are after one month and the way they have grown is phenomenal also.
the younger that they are the more rapid the progress respectively.
Chickens still get you into meat faster than any other animal!
Insects would be faster... Just saying. The food of the future they say!

Any pictures of Ghost?
I wish it was feasible for everyone to go on a gas 'strike' and demand will never work in our favor until we say enough is enough! Fossil fuel is not infinite, so eventually, everyone will pass that problem (or blessing) down to their kids instead of being proactive now. What I want to know is, what is going to keep the emptying spaces in the earth from caving in with all the missing cushions of oil pockets?
Is it just me or does there seem to be an increasing amount of sink holes popping 'down' everywhere!

Maybe this explains the prophecies of the Earth opening up and swallowing armies in the Middle East?
Insects would be faster... Just saying. The food of the future they say!

Any pictures of Ghost?
bugs are good! Never eaten one (on purpose) but if we all took to eating them, there would be far less pollution from our food source cultivation!

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