Coffee's ready...

Morning guys, I'm helping my daughter get packed. She's headed back to RI for school. We have a few errands to run before we head to Metro airport. I hate Metro airport.

morning coffee is on cows are fed chickens let out and fed all is right. RI is a nice state if you like the ocean I was in newport once in the 70's.
Born and mostly raised there
We were military family, so we also moved/traveled a lot. I send my daughter to school there because it's a nice place to go to school for the most part. She also can't get away with much in highschool because her teachers know her parents

It's a great place to grow up, and the ocean is always beautiful

Good morning everyone!

It's wet and dreary here this morning. I slept in because my little lavender Ameraucana roo didn't wake me up at 5:45 like he normally does. With all the cloud cover and darkness, I guess he slept in too.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'm off to freecycle a Polish rooster. He needs a new home TODAY. I sold his companions last night.

Later all!
morning All, my roos are crowing my coffee is right and my guys are at work. I added 40 x 20 to my chicken pen last night. The guys and gals are rockin thro the weeds eating lots of bugs.
My best friend was born at the naval hospital in 54. his govt issue birth cert, cant even get him a passport. hope he can fly in from hi. should be in tomorrow.havent seen the guy since 01 right before 9/11.
The Naval Hosoital in Newport?

He should have no problem getting a passport. My DH was born in Germany, but was born at the Hospital on the US Base there.
He is a US citizen, and has his US Passport. He travels all over the world for work, and has never had a problem being a US Citizen, but being born in Germany. He said he can also get his German Passport if he wanted since Germany considers him a citizen also.


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