Coffee's ready...

Good morning everyone! I just got home from a long night at work and im drinking my first cup of coffee...ahhh rest at last!
Good morning all!

I actually slept in til 7 this morning.
Went out to let everyone out and had to just stand out there for a bit. It was sooooo quiet (except for the roosters crowing) and peaceful. I can't even imagine, nor do I want to, living in town. It's mornings like this that make one step back and say, "Wow, have I been blessed or what!".

Life is good...very good.
Good morning!

Work first, then coffee? How's that possible?

Anything is possible Shelley! Specially when you work I got tonight off and things on my to do list today.
I checked on my two new additions before coming in this morning when i got home. They seem to be doing great but im sure they will be much happier when they can be let out of chicken jail. I just got them yesterday so might be a while before they can join the flock
Good Morning All, just poured that second cup.

Still hot outside 85 at 5:45am. we must have cloud cover. It is still pitch black out side. I think I will hang out in the house for a while and sip my coffee, and see what the BYC folks are talking about today. Happy day to all.
You couldn't ask for better weather than we are having right now. Currently it's 51 and will be sunny and topping out at 77. The prediction is for the weather to stay like this through Labor Day. I would love a month of this and then have it turn nice.
I would be willing to bet that next weekend when I head for Missouri and Arkansas that they will be hot. The way my luck usually goes they probably will be experiencing record highs.
First cup goin in...have lots to do today but not entirely motivated yet. I finally got the ok from hubby to expand my run so I have to go get fencing today!

My poor, poor first/new roo is in quarantine...poor guy!

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