Coffee's ready...

Good news from Therapy today. The PT thinks I strained the cuff rather than a tear. He worked on me for 2 hours. Some things hurt, some not. I have all the instructions written, with pictures of things I need to do twice a day. With my pain pills I think I will get it healed up.

Texas Gal, What kind of Eggs are you getting?

Did you have a brooder or a mommy for those 4 babies that just hatched? What kind are they? How fun!

pbjmaker, I know what you mean about being outside working. I sure would rather. Do take a break, smell the flowers and enjoy the work and the flowers.
Good morning all.
Hey Pati, maybe I now should take a turn and chase Dh with
a broom not the chx ,now that would be a winner,

Im having my first cup of coffee ,I ground fresh beans trying the *'0clock beans from Walmart.
Its delish. Although the Dunkin donuts coffee is better then Starbucks,

and cost less.I have to work on the other coops today cleaning and getting ready for the cold. you all have a great day ,
and I hope you get to do, whats got to be done.
Time to get up it's the morning time!

Karl ..... I don't do heights, not even the top of a step stool .... eakes
So now I know who to call. *smile*

Pati I hope it heals quickly for you. It's frustrating to have any injury.

TIM HORTON'S COFFEE is My favorite. It's a Canadian coffee shop but they are slowly coming into the states. They are in the northern states so far. If you ever get a chance ... Try it!
Morning everyone!

1 cup down, ready for another.

Sissy...I'm from TN, too...McDonald/Cleveland area.

I'm off to get a couple of truckloads of shavings for the coop. It's nice having such a big coop, and it's really easy to maintain...but lots of work when it's time to re-bed.

Everyone have a super day!
Yikes need another cup of coffee just unloaded the trk of the bags of wood shavings

small world, My Bro lives in south haven Mich.
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what a great day!!!

2 turkey babies so far and today is COLD STONE CREAMERY'S big ice cream day! if you donate to make a wish you get an ice cream! whoot!

its at specific times tho - we have to wait until 5pm... i'll be counting every second

happy thursday!!!!!
I just did that last weekend. Like you said...It's real nice having a big coop, but awful when it's time to re-bed it.

Took me the whole day last Saturday.

The silkies are doing well. ( they are both very pretty ) We think it's one boy, one girl. We think LOL

and good morning everyone. Only first cup of coffee yet.

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Good Morning everyone! Pretty fog today - I like it, don't have to drive in it. Hens are happy they got out in the garden last night for a few minutes to gobble grasshoppers until their crops were stuffed. I hope they settle down today. I'm contemplating giving them baths for a stubborn mite problem. DS wants nothing to do with that (he normally does everything with the chickens). Made an impressive dent on paper work already. Ironing is all caught up. Coffee good!

Hey, I lived in Cleveland TN for a couple years a while back... Did the "w" on the waffle house sign ever stay replaced? Back when I lived there it was always getting shot or something...

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