Coffee's ready...

Good morning. Looks like a beautiful day. I could use just a short reprieve from the rain. It so helps to make the hay come in for a last cutting but the laundry has been on the line for over a week with the rain. And I want to get some winter food in the garden. The spring was rained out. My mating hens aren't laying. They must know their eggs are sitting in the house with no incubator and no broody hen.

Hope your day goes as well as this cup of hazelnut joe

Good Morning All, Just on the second cup. It is breaking daylight now.

KL, how many chickens do you have? That is a lot of treats. I bet they had a field day. I can just picture them playing Frog trade off. Mine do that with Lizards, and the desert critters. So funny!

PBJMaker, Hope your daughter finds out what is wrong. Bummer to have a rash and then to have other kids laugh at you.

So glad to hear you guys are getting some relief from the rain. Enough is Enough!

Church service was wonderful, My Son and Granddaughter were a picture of peace. What a special day. We all went to Red Lobster for lunch. There was 7 of us. We had such a good time and ate some yummy food.
Middle of first cup (stove top Latte) with a cold it just doesn't taste as good.
The girls on the other hand are doing flips (well they would if they could) that they have access to the yard and garden now that I have stripped the tomatoe plants of what I need and the rest they can have.
Just popping in to say hi, and update on my crappy past week.

We lost two chickens last week, but the second incident was just stupid. My rooster, Gandalf decided he wanted to fly into the fenced area for our dogs, and the dog who was back there at the time LOVES to hunt. I'm not exactly sure what was going thru Gandalf's little brain at the time. It appeared Gandalf had had it up to here with the dog, and decided to fly over the 6 foot fence to attack him.
It ended badly for Gandalf.

So, we decided to borrow an incubator ( Thanks Opa) and hatch some of the eggs. I've never done this before, and I'm not sure I have the best personality to do this. I tend to be a little impatient, and expect things done right away.
So, I added 17 eggs ( 4 are from Opa, thank you again! ) this morning, and I'll be happy if just one hatches. Wish me luck, I hope all goes well, and I'm alittle nervous about this.

And hopefully there won't be any crazy angry chickens trying to fly over our 6 foot dog fence to attack Brody the spaz this week.

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Good morning everyone,I have been really busy this
morning. so I guess I should say good afternoon what ever
I do hope its good for you.and you get done
what you choose to do
I did get all the wash done,
hens fed and now we are wating for the big project to get done,
We have this hugh tree that may come down in a good wind which we are having today. sunny and warm but windy as all get out.
But hopefully the tree men will get to down it first.
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Howdy all, It was a slow morning here in NB, Canada.

Was up until 3am working on a new coop for a spontaneous purchase of 3 Black Rosecombs on Saturday. Went to a "feathers & whiskers" show... (country-style fair with bird judging & a flea-market section (DANGEROUS!!). Had seen the rosecombs for the first time ever in the judging section... fell in love with them and someone was selling them in the flea market section... a roo + 2 hens... just too much of a serendipitous moment to let "fly by".

For now they're in an indoor commercial rabbit cage, rigged with a roost... might be able to finish by tonight. Given the late night, my first cup o' joe was not until about 10:30am... YIKES!!

For pics of this beautiful breed...
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Too funny! I Try my best to stay away from Auctions and such as I tend to buy more animals

Coffee is wonderful this morning.
I'm getting all excited as we leave tomorrow to my Daughters Graduation, of Basic training.

I love Road trips!

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