Coffee's ready...

Good morning all!

Took the 15 year old to the Dr. for her rash yesterday. They are as perplexed as we are and are sending her to a specialist today.

I really love her Dr., She said "Amber you only come in like once a year for a physical (healthy kids) but man when you do have something, you make it interesting!"

Several years ago, we spent a lot of time trying to figure out why Amber's growth chart was going the wrong way.

This Dr. is a mom and knows how to talk to kids at their level, be it teens or toddlers.

Here is hoping the dermatologist has an answer, because this rash is not going away on its own.

Off to take the 17 yr old to school and get busy on the house.

Have a good day everyone!
Good Morning! oooh the sun is shining, the weather beautifully clear, and nice and chilly (well for around here...)

texas gal, what is a hydro axe?
Coffee got interrupted by grocery shopping but the store is much easier to negotiate at 6am than later in the day. Now I'm hoping to sit for a few minutes and enjoy my coffee. I'm still waiting for the coyote to show his furry face so I can eliminate that worry. He showed up several times while I was down south and Hope wasn't very impressed with him. He has absolutely no fear of people.
Never mind texasgirl, I image googled hydro axe. Looks like fun! We used a Fecon 3000 to clear a quarter acre of brush - talk about your overkill.

Good luck with the coyote, Opa!
Taking the kid to the orthodontist today for the first consultation. My checkbook is quaking with fear at the thought of it.

PBJmaker- I've got a rash prone kid too. He can find poison ivy without leaving the house some days. It's amazing. I hope the derm does the trick for her as there is nothing that can drive you crazier than unrelenting itching.

It's cooler here today than it's been since springtime. I think Fall snuck into the hills of Madison County last night while I slept. I'm going to have to start standing watch, like Opa, at night or else Old man winter will find his way into these parts too.
Is it legal to shoot Ole' Man Winter? Even if it's not - I won't tell. I like fall.

Wait - you have a license to cull - it doesn't specify what
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hi all you Fowl followers. we were so busy with the trees I had no time for coffee so now its hot tea time really got cold here and
Still is went to 40 last night. you all seem to be getting things done. Good luck with that coyote,

It looks like the hugh tree will be down complety tomorrow
what a relief that will be. its next to the big coop ohoh
I hope they know what their doing .they did do

good work on the small er ones. and they hauled away
all the littler ones I had sawed down just little sprouts .about 14 in. round

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