Coffee's ready...

On my first cup, contemplating whether to clean the coop or the house first . I think I'll do neither and do some baking... cranberry bliss bars are calling my name this morning

Oh, you dirty dog, pbj.... I'm setting the trap at the front gate to "stun" just in case I see you. You know I'm overloaded with roos. Thinking they're going to freezer camp next Sunday.
Good morning. On my second cup of hazlnut and its delish, its really has to lift me today ,
it will be a busy day after church.

the coops need more work done the nights are really getting cold. More work..
Opa - I'd love a cup. Just put my pot on to brew. It's still dark outside, although I've heard the cock crow.

Lately, my chickens have been pecking at the timer. Three times this week I have found the blue plastic peg that clicks the light on on the floor. They only peck the peg that turns the light on - I'm thinking they're not as dumb as people say, and have learned how to sleep late in the morning.
Morning People,
Getting ready to start the day. I am finishing a cup of coffee and looking out the window. It looks like it a foggy/damp morning. I can hear the rooster crowing, beckoning for me to let them out. They can't complain much, their coop was cleaned yesterday.
Make the best of the day, it's only here once in you life.

Morning all! Hopefully getting a new baby today to be a coop mate to my lone showgirl who lost his/her friend a couple days ago.

Construction starts on new run for new shed coop today...shed comes in wednesday. This will be coop #3 in my whole 3 months of having chickens!

And my back is killing me...luckily I have a big strong hubby and 17 y.o. who owes me...
Morning everyone....Mmmmm coffee. I really need it this morning. It is one of those rainy cool mornings that makes it hard to get going. It is actually one of those cool rainy weekends. More dehydrating today, yesterday made banana and apple chips. Today I am going to make beef jerky. I think I am going to really like this dehydrator!
Opa that coffee sounds awesome. I've been drinking Hazelnut too long I think. I gotta get some of that good stuff you got! Oh well, tastes good with my shoo fly pie!

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