Coffee's ready...

Good morning everyone.
Stupidbird, I am glad to hear you are doing better now.
HollyO, sorry to hear about your little chicken.
It looks like most of the weekend is going to be a washout. Cold and rainy, today and Saturday, but at least Sunday is supposed to be nice. Maybe the kids and I can get some Christmas lights up outside also before it gets too cold. I wont turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend though. Coffee is much needed today...
have a nice day!
Good Morning,
I got the coffee now, feel better,

Holly, I am so sorry about your little chick. I lost a baby one time like that. Not a nice feeling.

mamaG, That is always a good idea, to get the lights up before it gets to nasty out to even want to or should do. Some thing family for the kids to do. Now that my kids are all grown and gone. I really understand how much fun we had. One of the best Christmas's, was one of the poorest (no money at all, no gifts.) So I had a family meeting about buying gifts. I said that we had to make the gifts and all the decorations that would go on the tree. I had to help the youngest make his. We cut a tree from our land. We made some decorations that you baked in the oven. Some from paper, old mag's, newspaper, brown paper bags, foil. We made paper mache, and made snowmen, and painted them. We popped popcorn (The kids had grown there own popcorn) strung the corn for garlands. We had grapes, so I always saved all the trimmed vines for making stuff. Some gifts were made from the vines. The feeling and lesson all the kids got from that Christmas, we still talk about. One of the biggest thrills for me was, when my 2nd DD moved to AZ. from Mi. After she was all settled in her place, she had me over for a look see. In her Room, hanging on the wall, were two of the grape vine doll chairs, I had made her that Christmas. I couldn't believe that she had kept them all these years. She said Mom, I have the whole set. She went to her closet, pulled out a box and took the little Barbie and Ken size, furniture out. I started to cry. There was the bed, night stand, mirror still on it, matching chair. I made a little clothes rack and hangers out of real hangers. She had that. Love seat and those two chairs that were hanging on the wall. and the little round side table. I also made all the doll clothes. I made Doll clothes, coustoms and did alterations and patched Levies. How I made money when I was PG. 6 times. LOL! My doll clothes came in outfits. Like Ice skating outfit with real mink trim, mink hat, muff And Ice skate. I could buy ice skates and roller skates in doz. or more. Each little purse and muff I made had a penny in it. My size gauge.That is another story, my doll making. How to make stuff from nothing. Or, How to keep kids entertained all winter, when they can't be outside. Here I go on and on again lol.

Hi everyone i missed.
Thanks for sharing your story!
It is heartwarming!

Late good mornin' to all.

I think I have my first broody chicken, a silkie. She is very young, about 7 or 8 months. I have taken her off the nest the past 2 days. I really don't want chicks out there this time of year. On the other hand, I do have eggs in the incubator. I suppose I could put a few of those under her. I will have to think on it.

Have a lovely day, all.
Some of my best memories growing up are making holiday presents and decorations with my mother and sisters. Anything that was made for me became an instant heirloom. Needless to say, I do also remember some of the material items fondly too. We did not have alot of money growing up, so when I got something extravagant it was a very big deal. I still remember my first pair of designer jeans in the 80's, I loved those. That was the best, I didn't care that other kids got lots of stuff. I was always happy with what I got. I am trying to teach my children to have the same values, and be appreciative of what they have. If they really want something badly I try to get it for them, but I don't want them to expect to get everything they ever wanted.
Good morning everyone..
Cold and very rainy day here. It is so dark that if I didn't have three kids and a house to run, I would go right back to bed and have coffee later. As it is, they are already fighting and whining about nothing to do. I will just have to find something for them to do, chores anyone? When I was a kid we didn't dare say we were bored, because my parents would find plenty of things to be done. When I was a kid this was the perfect type of day for me to stick my nose in a book.
Same here. My mother used to write down all the chores that had to be done on slips of paper and put them in an empty coffee tin. Each of us (there were three of us) picked five chores to do on Saturday morning, before we could go out and play. We could trade with each other but we couldn't put any back. My brother hated polishing the piano keys and I hated taking out the trash, so we would trade those if we got them. I would pretend I was Cinderella, oh poor me. But I have to give Mom credit, because the chores got done with minimal whining.

It is rainy and raw here. My chickens don't want to even free range today. Tomorrow is supposed to be better.
I also turn under my leaves to improve the soil.

Tonapah - I have similar memories of Christmases sans money. When we first got married, I collected pinecones and spraypainted them gold and silver. They decorated our scrubby little pine from the backwoods most beautifully.

Have a wonderful, warm and cozy day, Everyone!
Wow! I forgot about the pine cone decorations. You sure jump started that memory. You know, you can make lots of things out of pine cones. and they make great fire starters also. Folks need to go back to the old days of Christmas's past and quit spending so much money on out of site stuff. My Mother used to buy a little tree and she had a box of all kinds of wood and plastic decorations. She would have Baby Jesus birthday party. All the little Grandkids would get to decorate the little tree. It was just the right height for them. After the tree was done, they had cake and Ice cream and all said a prayer for Jesus. They all got pictures taken decorating that tree and the pictures were placed on the tree the next year. They could see how they had grown that past year.
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A very good morning to all my coffee mates

hooray we have sunshine to day and
Iam hoping the back forty drys up some,
tono -Pati you sure didi bring up memopries and they were good ones.

I am waiting for my first hatch of Orps
that were due yesterday. but nothing so far.
Some one send me good hatching vibes,and the first one
will be named after you
Well I finished pruning the apple trees and got the xmas lights up. I put those icicle lights on the eaves of the garage, house and gazebo and the garland with lights on the porch rails. The railing on the porch, gaazebo and stairs that connect the two extend about 60'. There is a post every 5' that we place a big red bow on and loop the garland in between. I think it looks nice but is too much work. Hope likes it so I do it. Fewer problems that way. Now that that is all done I'm kicking back and enjoying a well earned coffee break.

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