Coffee's ready...

What the heck...blizards??? It's gonna get up to 82 here today!

Then tomorrow high of 59. How am I supposed to get my brooder chicks ready for outside with the weather changing so much???
82? Well, I'm not feeling so guilty now ?? LOL .. We really do have nice weather down here for the most part ...
Freaky weather here also from that storm. Arizona has more nicer days than not. I just poured another cup and I'm staying in for awhile. It is to cold. In the 50's all day. Burrrrrrrr for me.

That rain, was the first time my Wee Ones saw or felt rain. I think it scared them. They went into the cage that has a roof. it was their first outside play area and I think they felt safe in it. I had to herd them into their playhouse/coop. I think that they had enough time to dry before the power went off. I had just changed the bulb from a 100 watt to a 60 watt. They looked fine when I let them out in the morning and started running around right away. It was nice and dry in the house. The roof did not leak. I do need a top dutch door. I'm trying to think of something that I can fasten to plastic, that will be a good door, that will stop rain and wind. Any one have any ideas? I sure need help on this one. The big kids went into their pen area as soon as it started to rain.

I have got to hose the back of my house and kitchen window. The mud is coated all over it. I can't see out of the window. I sure don't want to play with water today. Did any one else get the mud rain?

I was suprised to see how much dirt was in all the pet water containers. The outside furniture, my car is coated.
Yes we are having a snow day today! Now I just have to get everyone outside to shovel out the chickens! Even hubby is home today. So we are either going to get a lot of Christmas stuff done today, or get on each others nerves. I'm betting on the second one. Have a great snow day all you other New Englanders, keep warm!
Good afternoon everyone! Hope everyone is comfy! I'm sitting and sipping some hazelnut hot drink - "teeccino" is the brand - a medium roast, low acid, no caffeine, no gluten, no dairy roasted stuff drink and it is soooo good after all this time without coffee. Just hits the spot that all these herbals didn't get. I just had to share this.

Hi there Tonopah pati! I'll have to ask my sister in Phoenix if she got mud rain. Sounds special. So much for the Sunshine state being warmer, it's colder there than atlanta right now. As for the door/plastic covering, maybe a lumber frame, add hinge/latches, and staple the plastic? Roll strips of cardboard in the edges of the plastic sheeting, that's what the greenhouse I worked for did to reinforce edges for stapling.

Snow, snow, snow! Have fun!
Good morning to you flock owners

Iam having hot tea ,and its a good change

The weather out side is BRuuu really cold.
all the ladies are still resting.
must have decided to sleep in a little later.
or else they are chatting around the heat lamp
with the treats I left last night.
you all stay warm and toasty.
On my third cup already (half caf as Dr says I drink tooooo much coffee already). Been on the computer for couple hours already in the all to familiar "job hunt mode"......this is really gettin' old.

Temps here sure changed in 24 hours. This time yesterday, 61deg. This morning 28deg.

Still far better than you poor folks that are dealing with FEET of snow. NO complaints here
Good morning chicken wranglers'
Last night,14 degrees 40 mile an hour gusts what an adventure! Where do I start ?I went out to build a wind break in the lean to for the cows and animals . I started with straw and stacked it up untill it was sufficiant to block the wind that was infiltrating the lean to, the cows thought it was a snack , so the horse thought he would join in and the mule looked at the fools and left the room!Then I took a few pallets and built a blockaide around the straw,so they wouldn't eat my handy work,and comenced to coax the animals into thier stalls with hay, sweet feed, and cracked corn. It took a while! I closed the stalls 2 animals in each " so they could share the bennefit of each others body heat"and proceeeded to fill the feeders with hay for the night. Next the chickens ! I had noticed that the chickens had grouped together under the coop "in the wind and were just sitting there freezing to death out of shear intellect I asoom" So I had to collect them and thro them in the coop rigg up a heater and string extension cords to run it . By this time I was freezing.What a good night!
Hello out there. Arizona is waking up and it is cold out side. I think I will have another cup of coffee and play here for a bit.

What is going on this morning where you are. Hope everyone is staying warm and dry. Crazy weather all over. I wonder if it threw my girls off the laying. I had been getting 4 eggs each day. my EE Cleo, has not lay for a few weeks now. After the storm I only got 2 eggs. Still no blue. How long do they stop laying in the winter? If she is molten, I really can't tell. I might see a feather sticking out some times.

Please vote for Anne today. Tell everyone you know.

Yard full o' rocks, thank you for the tip. That sounds like I could do that door. I'm on the third cup also. Got to get outside and let the gang out.

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