Coffee's ready...

Good morning flock tenders.

Enjoying the first cup of
coffee waiting for the dawn to come up.
need to check on the flock having
mighty cold winds here,
hope you all stay warm.
Good morning, everyone.

This winter here in the Thumb has been very nice...for a change. We normally have what you folks down south have.
Usually, when we get our first snow in December, we don't see even a speck of ground until April. This year, on more occasions than not, the ground has been pretty visible and the chickies are loving it. The temps have been pretty great too.

My condolences to those of you who are stuck inside...I know exactly how you feel.
There you have it folks - Sissy beat me again!

Haven't been able to get on the web some days, too many kids home from school, surfin the internet and tying up phone lines!
And I'm in the middle of online schooling!!!

Broodies are still sitting on their eggs - I want to rename Jenny java "Old Faithful". I never ever see her off the nests. I say nests because her and Bluebell have been switching nests pretty often. I am just lovin this soap opera in the henhouse.It's musical nests instead of musical chairs! Way better than TV!

Have a good day everyone. Enjoy the coffee. The Hazlenut is especially good today!
Hi Scoop
I beat you because
its to hard getting you all
out of bed on these chilly days

I knocked and knocked and no one answered .

I wanted some of that Hazlenut coffee My favorite..
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Good morning chicken wranglers
Yesterday I started the remainder of the hens on durimiyicn. I guess no eggs for a while now. I threw 1 girl out of the coop because she looked like death warmed over and I dont want it to spead. I found a mouse nest in the straw this morning so I'll clean the coop down to the bone sat. Good to have the weekend planned for me I guess. See ya'll later God bless! If you want to see a funny post check out the post I left on "I have survived 5 years" yesterday.
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