Coffee's ready...

Greetings! I chased a coon off my porch this morning at 4:30 am. He was having a field day with my bird feeder. I wished I had a gun. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a violent type, but I'm thinking he may grow out of sunflowers and prefer chicken tenders. If he were dispatched, that worry would be eliminated, and I would get a new fur hat. Oh well.

Last night I unwrapped two shipments of eggs that will be going into the incubator tonight. I have collected others and my son gave me two dozen more. I set up my second incubator because I have so many! I am testing the fertility on my son's and my eggs. I don't expect many of them to be fertile. I have had a young roo in with them and I don't know how successful he's been. Lord knows, though, he's been trying hard!

My coffee is strong this morning - I must have put in an extra scoop. As I type, coffee aroma molecules float across the airways begging to be sipped. Yes, I think I will.
Have a great day.
Good morning all, Enjoying my first cup of DD coffee.
Scoop, glad to hear Blizzard is doing so well.
( Good caretaker )
Iam waiting to see when my ameraucanas
will lay.
Kismet.. you will be busy when all the hatching begins .
I am hoping Iget more hens from the Orp.eggs Iam
waiting to arrive. its that time again.Theres no fun like

You'al have a great day with your flock.
Good morning all. Coffee is long gone. I have been on the computer since 5:30am. I am trying to catch up. My computer and I were not talking.

I got my Crate Coop all set up, cleaned and ready to paint. Went to get my roller handle. Not to be found. I" have" at least 3 or 4. NOT! I could not find my long wood, screw on handle. I gave up. Can't paint until next trip to the city. Wind is blowing hard today.

Everyone have a great Friday! Yes Spring has sprung!
Mornin' folks, I'm in Macon, Ms this morning visiting with a friend and fellow beekeeper. We are going fishing for bass and sacalait in just a minute, been waitin' for it to warm up a bit.

Had a nice breakfast of biscuits, sausage and my free range eggs (Have eggs, will travel) put some of my buddy's cotton/soybean honey on the biscuits, mmmmmmm good!

Have a great day everyone!

Good morning indeed, Looks like it will be another great day here in TX also. Lot of work to do this weekend, hope everybody has a great one be safe and give the chicks plenty of love!
Up early again, still in Macon, Ms. Caught a mess of fish yesterday, crappie, bass & bluegill, mostly crappie. Going back again. Hadn't caught fish like this in a long time, loaded the boat yesterday and ate real good last night.

My wife said the chickens were bad yesterday while I was gone and got between two wooden fences. Sounds like she had quite a time catching them.

I feel so badly, she had to rustle 'em up by herself. I sure have a wonderful wife.

Good morning chicken wranglers
I caved and bought the kids a WABBIT yesterday. Another animal for me to take care of and feed and clean up after.The kids are out of school all week ,so this is thier chance to get even with me for all the work i do by doing all the chores done befor I get home .That'll teach me!Just go ahead and do my work and see if I care. More Java need sanity!
Good afternoon all you flocktenders,
, l see the coffee bar is open and empty. I have had my fill for today.

Everyone must be busy doing whatever that has to be done ,
Karl you found time to get a Wabbit hooray
as a kid,( hum) a few months ago

I had one that Walked with me on a harness and
leash, She grew to be a great pet to old age,
great gift for the family.
good morning chicken wranglers
greatings from beautiful Il. Sissy ,my daughter says that a rabbit can be trained to use a litter box. Is it true ? I dont think it would be worth the work.Easter is sunday and I hope the grand kids will be up for a hunt. How bout Ya'll? any plans?

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