Coffee's ready...

Good morning - just a quick note before I take my coffee on the road. I made arrangements to get some hatching eggs to put under the Leghorn. They are about 2 hours away. We were supposed to be going out to that area to visit BF's parents, but his Mom cancelled on us so now it's just me and the little guy going on a road trip for hatching eggs. There is also a chicken swap near there, so I'll be taking a break to check that out. Can't wait to get my eggs! Have a good one.
Good morning, Just slid up to the coffee bar and looks like I will be alone sipping my coffee. Everyone must be really busy this Sat. morning. Myself I'm just going to rest and watch movies today. Yep a couch potato today.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good for you Tonopah -

Its nearly 5pm here and everything has been hectic so I haven't had a chance to do anything at all. Jessica the new baby was here all night and didn;t sleep one bit and then with Danny up and needing changed as well we had our work cut out for us. Jessica has been really unsettled all day long - looks like she is starting to get her first tooth already!!!! She has not slept once all day. Her mom and Dad just came to get her and there away now so were just getting a bought in T - No cooking great!!!!!!!

Were hoping to watch a movie and grab a bottle of wine infront of the fire tonight!!!! Think we deserve it! DH is very tired.

The chickens have been out in the rain all day silly things. Last night the baby chicks and their Mom Bertha went into the big girl coop for the first time!!!!
Only Bertha got herself back into her roost possition with her mates and left the chicks in a heap by the door at the bottom of their ladder/ramp! The chicks didn;t know what to do as Mom had left them finally! Though shes been with them all day so its not a complete abandonment. I just want her to start laying again!!!!!!!

The two other chicks are indoors - cluttering up my dinning room. It is too cold and wet for little Omlet and Blue wont leave her. He wouldn;t cope in the big girl pen anyhow especially with the two massive Roo boy chicks outside. Duck is Gerty's boy and he is wild just like his Mom and Nugget turned out to be Drumsticks boy so he is second Roo as Drumstick is bottom of the pecking order anyhow. Funny how they seem to know who they belong to even though Bertha was the brood hen.

Anyhow My T is calling hope you all have a good day with plenty off Coffee.
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WOW, it has been a while since I have had a chance to post on here. I went to the WORLD MARKET a few days ago and picked up a few bottles of sugar free sryups for my coffee. They had "pumkin Pie" flavor too. HOWEVER, I am starting with the English toffee flavor.

I have many projects going on right now . . . . .

I never seem to get it all done. . . I home full time now and just can not seem to get ahead of everything that needs to be done.

Everyone, have a GREAT DAY today. Oh, Oh, Oh, My glads are blooming
I planted them a couple of months ago and was not sure if they would make it. I am so HAPPY !
good morning! I just sat down here with the coffee; apple coffee cake is out of the oven, chickens are fed, watered and out, ditto on the cat and now the bigger creatures are stirring "oooh, coffee cake!".
I can smell that coffee cake all the way to my kitchen. Delicious !

I am on my way out to feed, water and take care of my birds. Then, I'll make everybody sausage and eggs.
Ohhhhh - Wish I was closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would sure be on my way round to yours!!!!!!

- days near over already here have a chicken in the oven and the family are on their way! No time for coffee now.
Well, it's a bit late in the day for coffee, but BF's youngest girl wants to make tea in her cat-shaped tea-pot, so we'll do that shortly. Busy morning getting off to church, then to the nursery and the pool. Got my garden all planted, and the chickens already pulled up a few of the onions and poked holes in them. I may have to block it off somehow. I put in several types of lettuce, carrots, a few brocolli and califlower plants, a tomato plant, and some leeks and onions.
My leghorn seems to be doing very well with her little clutch. Very intent on sitting on them, only see her get up once a day. Here she is, checking them out after we put them in. I think she is wondering, "what the heck are these BLUE eggs, and where did they come from?" I only ended up getting two of the Ameraucana eggs due to the woman's hens not laying well right now, but I have six of the blue Plymouth Rocks. 21 days seems like forever!
Ohhh - lovely - I want one!!!!!!!!! -

Good for you she looks adorable I do hope it is a success.

Well its even later here so no coffee this time of night! nearly 11 pm so have to hit the sack soon.
Big long day tomorrow as DH is back at Hospital and DD is for the GP I have to somehow be with both and baby mind all at the sametime???? Also DS no 3 Son is wanting to do shopping - I don;t think sooooo!!!!! Ahhhhhh when did they say they were starting cloning???? I need at least three more meees!!!!!

I need a good night sleep I think but last night a darn mouse climbed up my arm ! Weve been getting bother with them on and off as they were round the chicken coop and got into the house wall up the sewer pipe outlet and then into the bathrooms. We did a massive cull a while back after one scared DD to death when she was in the bathroom. We also had one run across the top of the headboard of our bed and round the inside of the light shade! Honestly!!!!! It was 2am and I just couldn;t be bothered catching him so went and got our cat instead and he finally did something cat like and killed him. ( Then I felt bad until I saw about 20 of them eating the chicken food! - I went and bought traps after that!) So anyhow I guess we are about to embark on another rodent war if the darn thing wakes me up in the night again!

I blame my hen Gerty she kept sitting on the darn baby mice to keep them warm like a baby minding service!! She even pecked me when I turfed them out of her next box! IT IS ALL HER FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She actually had them hiding in her feathers like little chicks pearing out. - Arn;t hens supposed to eat mice???

Have a nice evening folks I am away to bed!
Oesdog -
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