Coffee's ready...

I can soooo relate to you with your Dhs heart issues. My Dh hasn;t been doing too well at all. He is really ill on and off. Sometimes he just gets really cold sweats and is dripping and he hasn;t done a thing. He can;t do much either. Thankfully my Dh can still drive but he can;t walk far. If he walks say 400 yrds he comes over really grey and dizzy so we have to be very careful. Silly things like pushing the shopping trolly for me are a no go area these days. DH had a nastly fall from a ladder a few days back as he decided he needed to clean the windows???? - It is hard for men I think to realise the limitations of their illness. Dh cannot do a full day now without laying down, its really hard to see him that way. We also have spine issues and Dh is on morphine for that as well.
Hope so much your DH feels better for you.

- I have been able to get on here for a bit which has been good but I think its going to get to the point I wont be on too much myself. Care duties being what they are right now there isn;t much free time.

- Yeah baby Jessica is just a wee pumpkin. I love her to bits. I hope she has a really long and good life ahead of her. Had to take her to the Dr today as she was covered in a rash this morning . Thankfully nothing major she is cutting her first tooth already!!!!!!! I am soooo glad she is a girl!!! Having had 3 boys and Dh at home its nice to have a more ballanced family and I can spoil her with pretty frocks!!! Dh is besotted already and she only has to open her big blue eyes and he is done for!!!!!! Ha ha - Dotty and I are teaching her shopping already!!!!!!!!!!! Those big blue eyes of hers will sure come in handy one day!!!!!!!

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oh Oesdog thats a comfort to have the wee one.
all I have now is Dh to care for and my knees

but DD and D son-law moved closer from over 1200 miles away. to be a help to us.
luv them to pieces. Dh can only stand for about 3-4 minutes then he loses
control and down he will go, so he stays put in his chair its much easier or into the bed.
a few steps with his walker
is about all he is able to do.thats only
once a day I bring all his meals to him
its safer. But we only get what we can handle and
Im doing ok
just get to pooped to peep:gig sometime.
tomorrow will be a no cooking day for me going
for a B-B-Q D -son in law has family from Austraila
so I get DH in wheel chair and off we will go for the day.
and I know we will have a wonderful day.
wish all our flock tenders could join us and taste the cooking.
S-I-L is great at it.
Morning People,

Coffee's on, still trying to get a good cup from this batch........

Weather: We had 2 days of rain and I'm not complaining. Close to a 1" of rain. Today, mid 70's and sunny. Ladies don't like it, I am back into my shorts, no fire yet in the wood stove.

Garden is almost done. A few green tomatoes, and pumpkins are the only thing left. The leaves are starting to drop in some areas, so that fun filled task is almost upon us. In a couple of weeks, I'll clean the coop. The litter from the coop and the compost pile goes into the garden and tilled under. We went to a "Garlic Festival" this past weekend and brought some braided garlic. Next year I might put in a small raised bed to grow some garlic.

Enjoy the day

Good morning - nice someone else is up???? I would love to hear how you get on growing the garlic quercus21 - Mine always rot and never grow-

Lovely sun for a change here today and my chickies are out in the yard. Two of them went for a trip round the garage yesterday and got lost - i managed to find them eventually so today they are out in the small pen!

Dh is out shopping with one of the kids so it gives me time to clean as this place is like a bomb droped on it. So I need to get it sorted only everytime I go to do anything the baby cries again!!!!!!!! After going through everything I can think of I have now turned the music up - bit of competition I think will help her???? Ahhhh

Oesdog - have a good day folks
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Yeap - she is covered in a rash and is not a happy girl today at all. I need ear plugs - Help !!!!!!!!!

It really doesn't matter - - - AROUND DAY 21 - -LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN for the piping. It may come a few days early and it may come a few days later. . . . In my case, one egg hatched, the next day another hatched, the next day NOTHING, the day after that another hatched, and the LAST egg NEVER HATCHED.

Mother Nature has control - - - the 21 day is a general guideline ! I am getting excited for you - -

In a way, I think I knew that - the Virgo in my took over with that question. I like schedules and plans - detailed ones. I will just keep a close eye on them a few days before day 21. I'm thinking about candling them this weekend. I know people do that with eggs under a broody, but is it really disruptive to her? It would be neat to do with the girls here this weekend, and I don't want a rotten one to explode in there.

My son was a bit more cooperative this morning. I am running some errands after work today, and then starting on a major re-arranging project to move my desk to a back room that is mostly my laundry room now. That way their will be a lot more room in the third bedroom where the girls sleep, and where my son has some of his toys. I will enjoy having my own little corner of the house. I think I'll look for a few things to decorate with, maybe a rug and some nice curtains.

Rain again today from the possibly tropical storm coming across the state. Your story about the 'twister' made me laugh, Oesdog. We have verticle rain like that all the time in the summer. Monsoon-style, sheets of it coming down like God is dumping buckets of water down on us. But at least it doesn't last long.

Have a good one, chicken friends!
I, too, am an organizer. I am the only organizer in the family - - - CRAZY
CRAZY - - - dealing with a bunch of people who have no concept of TIME !

I left my broody with the flock until about day 16. Then I separated her from the rest. NOW, during the 16 days she was with the flock, I had to check her everyday. She stole other chickens eggs and added them to her clutch. PLUS, when she got down to get a drink or eat, others would hop up there and lay their egg in her nest.

So, she may not like you touching her eggs - - BUT she will get over it and it won't hurt anything !
Oh what a beautiful morning, coffee is tasting good. The Lord has given me another day!
My XH just bought a place in Bristol VA. it is really nice. He just got back to AZ and is collecting all his stuff for the big move. He had a Lazy Boy Recliner (large) at my house, he was spending the winters with me here in the desert. I didn't know how much room it took up until it was gone. So I got on the net and found a great brown leather chair and ottoman, The guy had it in his office and said it was only sat on about three times and the ottoman was never used. He paid $600. for it and was asking $150., I got him down to $100. and he will deliver it. I can't wait. My cat Archie will be real happy as the chair I had moved in place of the recliner is his chair so he was not a happy camper. I moved it back where I had it. So I have room for the new chair.
I found a Rattle snake shed skin with the rattle also, it was right in front of the gate to my chicken pen. My Bassett hound dog found it and went nuts. She got bit 3 years ago, and she can smell the smallest piece of snake skin,and just has a fit until I get rid of it. I don't have to be so watchful as long as she is with me out side.
Sorry to here you are having a rough time with the DH being sick. Bummer! Hang in there Girls.
I need to refill my coffee cup and get ready to do my chores.

Everyone have a great day!
I was in New Mexico / Arizona area about 14 years ago. The memory I have kept all this time about that trip was . . . . The signs at the rest areas that reminded visitors that they should LOOK
BEFORE they sat on the toilets. What should they be looking for you ask . . . . RATTLESNAKES

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