Coffee's ready...

Good morning everyone - - - Where are ya'll at?

Chicks - - it is 6:30 on a MONDAY. You must be up - - - it won't be long before you have to report to work.

OSEDOG - - - Are you getting LUCKY and sleeping in this morning ? ?

KARL - - Is he still around, haven't heard from him in 4 EVER .

Rancher - - What are you cooking?

MONDAYS. MONDAYS, MONDAYS - - - This is my day to pay BILLS. Also, gotta work on some homework. We have a test tomorrow.
Later today, I want to make some "Dirt and worms" brownies for my kid's lunch this week !

Take care everyone. I need to go get a second cup of coffee.
Morning -

Sadly math ace no I am not getting lucky. Danny has not slept at all in a couple of nights and so we are exhausted. This morning I was up early to get him away to day care and then I had to take Dotty to the Dr for her 6 week check, then a dash back for Jessica's appointment with the health visitor. Also Dh was up as he had to take the other twin Ben shopping today. It kind of gets a bit mad here sometimes. I just didn;t get a chance for a coffee until about 5 mins ago.

Sorry you felt abandoned this morning Math ace!!!!

Oesdog - so much for rushing to post this - you just logged off!!!!!!!
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Good Morning!

Yep, I'm here at work (I get here at 7am), reading e-mails about our stalled negotiations for the extended school day, and that it will be pushed back a few more weeks. We are just in limbo-land with it, I guess.

Already gotta visit from a girl in trouble in the middle of writing this. I think it's gonna be a busy Monday.

Oesdog - Friday will be day 21 - I know sometimes they can be early, but what is the earliest possible? That one egg we candled looked solid.

Gotta get to work, then get home and keep working on all the re-arranging/ organizing. Last night we did the girls out-grown clothes and other stuff, but I still need to finish putting things away in there and getting desk stuff put away. I survived the visit to BF's parents. His Mom is okay, but his Dad is so high-strung and really not easy for me to be around for very long. He getts irritated so quickly with the kids, and knowing how he treated BF growing up just makes it harder. He really actually needs some serious help, but he would never acknowledge it or accept it, which is sad.

Have a good day!
Morning Chicks - Sounds like you have your hands full in work poor you! - More coffee recomended!!!!

Now regarding eggs I would watch from day 18 onwards for pips. I am not sure how early they can be but I wouldn't think more than a day or two at most - things like your temperature on the high side can cause the development to be faster. The other end of the scale I wouldn;t throw mine out until day 30!!!! I know its more than most but I always think of my wee Omlet and what would have happened if I gave up and turffed her in the bin!!!Remember I got Blue on day 27 and Omlet on day 28. So never give up!!!!!!! Most folk say abandon at day 25/26 but if I did that I wouldhave lost those two who are so dear to me. Just remember they explode when bad. I think after day 23 /24 its a good idea to do a water test as then you will know if anything is alive it is usually quite acurate and to be honest thats why we waited for Blue and Omlet because we knew there were live chicks in there. - There were others too but they didn;t make it. I think we screwed the temp and humidity up. I do hope it all goes well and I will be on here checking for pips so you better keep us all updated!

Your BFs dad - try not to be too hard on him. - Yes he probably needs lots of help it does sound like he has a high testosterone level. He probably has high blood pressure and heart issues too?( Or will do if this carries on) This is NO excuse for the way he has behaved or that he has not asked for help or recognised he has a problem. Most men who suffer from this only see that others have the problem not them. ( They usually have issues with power and control which is a sign that they themselves are very insecure and have a low self esteme, they may also suffer from depression but will not share this!) You will need to actually be quite gentle with this man as he is a lot more vaulnerable than you think. I guess he probably has a lot of other centred contempt right now which means he targets others with the contempt he is feeling for himself. If that is turned back on him it could be devistating if not handled right. Men with these kind of issues are usually men who have suffered some kind of trauma - was he a military man????

- My thoughts are with you I truely do understand that struggle.

Hi everyone, too late for a coffee now its 6.30pm and raining!
I havent been on for the last two days as i couldn't remember my password for here and as i was on a laptop and not my own pc i needed it!!
I need a laptop as have hurt my leg:(......please see post called 'please keep me company'!! to find out why, silly really!!
Hope everyone is having a nice day?
TartanniK - You poor thing - thinking of you


Weather here really closing in storm force gales and the sea is comming onto the road already. We are set for a very stormy night apparently. I am locking the place down and securing everything - locked up the chickens about 5 pm. Early but I never let them out in bad rain or storms ( Their my babies!!!)
Some of you must be more than 5 hours behind us here???? It is 7.10pm right now but some of you sound like your only starting your day????

Oesdog -
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Good morning everyone, finished the coffee hours ago, got the chickens taken care of. Now it is time to do the inside chores. Drat!

Hope everyone has a great Monday as Mondays are kind of a hard day. I wonder why this is?
Morning all, hope you don't mind if I have a cuppa with ya'll.

Monday is my Tuesday, I just have to deal with everyone else's Monday BS.
Before I go to work I'm going to hardware store to grab yet more supplies for our never ending coop project.
Good morning chicken wranglersl
Coffee is great been, so busy I haven't had time to chat. I'll catch up later God Bless!

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