Coffee's ready...

Too Late DH said it was ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhhh - need to hide where can I hide - should I move house - live in the car hide in the coop???????? -

Oh she finally went home eventually!!!!!!!! Managed to get a late T and DH did a bit of work on his Camper. We gathered the chickens in for the night and DH carried our Blue Roo around a bit cause hes squalking like his throats been cut! I think he is probably trying to crow!!!!! HE chases the little Maran around and backs her into a corner and then all the heckles go up on his neck !!!! Yet when I feed them now he starts to throw things on the ground for her and when I lift her out of the small coop to put them in the garage he squeels for her terrible!!!!!! But if I pull him out first she squeels for him!!!! Its so sweet !!!!!! They have been together since eggs!!!! The ones we got posted out and we boiled the rest of them in the incubator cause we mucked up the temerature!

This is Blue the Cream Legbar Roo and the little Maran Omlet - that the Vet told me to kill a few weeks back!!!!!! As you can see she is very tiny for 17 weeks but is doing ok with loads of TLC. I never did what the Vet said and look at her she is small but perfectly formed and no problem with the curved breast bone in this photo!!!!!!


Well I am now bored would you believe it !!!!! - Too tired to think of doing anything as I have no energy left and there is nothing but repeats on TV - funny they call it "classic" to make you think your getting something good but its really a repeat thats been on several channels for the last fortnight!!!!
No one is on here either I checked and your all out doing something!!!!!! So I think I am just gonna run a bath and maybe pour another Coffee.

My daughter didn't like the stuffed chicken ( cornflake!!!) Why is it when we spend any money on anything for us like the Camper (Which DH swapped his Motorbike for as his illness means he can't ride it safely anymore!) - or the chicken toy, Dotty always disaproves???? Surely now at our ages we should be able to have somethings for us????? Should I feel giulty because she is struggling for money and DH buys me a chicken???? - I like my Chicken its lovely!!!!!!! And DH is very sweet to get me it.

Thanks annaraven - Actually when I moved out of my parents house I only ever stayed with them once after that and they never really took interest in the kids so rarely saw them. I NEVER asked them for money and they NEVER offered even though I knew they had loads! and they never once looked after any of the kids!!!! - I know I am lucky because Dotty is so close but sometimes I am sooooo tired I need a few days for DH and I to do our own things like walk our poor neglected Dogs and go for a drive and maybe go Fishing ??? Even clean the house without interuption or watch a movie without falling asleep half way through!!! - I fell asleep on the sofa tonight and DH put my new Chicken in the oven!!!!!!! Beast! He is such a big kid!!!!!!!! ( The toy one not a real one!!!)

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You can still be BUSY! I am glad that we can help you through all this...I wish my feed store gave flu shots!
Th:lol:n maybe I would have the time to get one! On my last cup here and then I really MUST get to work. My back was bad yesterday so I could only lay under the tree and read my book...just like I used to do so long ago. Not so bad today and the meds are kicking in...maybe I can do something!
Beautiful fall day here in WI--supposed to get to 79F again! I cant believe this fall we are having here. Have a fantastic day everyone! Stay safe! Terri O

When I moved out of my parents' home, I rarely went back. I never asked for money. I *once* asked for a co-sign on a home loan after I was married and had already bought a place and needed a co-signer to make a better interest rate. (They refused btw - because it was in the city not in the suburbs! Like I could have afforded a house in the suburbs. Ugh.)

So, I really have trouble relating. On the other hand, my mother complained a lot about me not keeping in touch. So, I guess you don't have that least you get to see your grandkid, which my mom didn't get to (she passed before my daughter was born).

In any case, don't feel guilty about spending *your* money on *you*! She needs to make her *own* money and get her own life. And talk with your husband about setting limits on how often you'll babysit. Agree on them, and then stick with them - just like you had to when you were setting limits on your little kids.

Anyways - good luck. Hugs!
Sorry I've been away, sorta busy but not. Thinkin I'm spending to much time with my chicken friends plus I've been sick with an ear ache. I hate doctors.
So this morning DD is home from Tex for a too short visit. Made breakfast for all after washing last nights dishes. Fried last nights leftover mash potatoes and made French toast and scrambled eggs. I have to confess I used some store bought eggs, (dd's WIC eggs) I was surprised to see the yolks of my bantam friz's eggs were as big as the store bought eggs. (For our eastern family WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children, a program that supplys money to buy healthy foods for mothers with small children).

Plus I've been working on winterizing my chickens runs, covering them with plastic and trying to get the top of the second one covered before the snow flies. Picking the last of the harvest and put the garden to bed. Plant next years garlic. Volunteering at school and knitting hats like this one on my GD Darcy. I also have the pattern to do Rasberries , strawberries and other fruit and vegetables.

This was the first and a little large for the Queen. I had to order new circular needles in smaller sizes, plus you use four needles to finish it off. Really quite simple.
I've been called a renesansce man. I hate wasting time so I took up knitting to have something to show for watching TV.
Take care Rancher
So, you are letting your daughter guilt you over how you spend your money - - -STOP IT NOW ! - - - If your daughter is nervy enough to say something - PLEASE - remind her that you guys didn't start out with money, you had to earn it and save it! She will need to do the same. It is wrong that the YOUTH look at where their parents are at 40 - 50 years old and think that at 20 years old they should have and are enitlted to what we have!

He#* NO - - They will have to WORK for it just like we did! NOTHING given FREE is ever appreciated. When you have to WORK and SWEAT for it, then you appreciate it and take care of it. Parents do a GREAT INJUSTICE by trying to supply all their children's wants when they are youngsters. It gives the children false expectations that everything they want will magically appear.

- - CHICKS, do you see similiar things with your job ? ?

I make my 13 years old work for EVERYTHING. They have to save, trade, shop for deals, etc. They have JOBs in the house that they have to do and they don't get paid for - - - JUST LIKE WE DO! Then they have EXTRA JOBS they can do to make money. My jobs aren't sweet jobs either -- - weed the garden, unload a trailer of horse manure, dig a trench, wash the cars, etc. I remind them constantly if they don't get good grades and go to college, these will be the only jobs they will be qualified for when they get older. . . Yes I know that I am tough on them, BUT so is LIFE.

OESDOG - - With the way your daughter treats you, It might be luckier if you lived FURTHER away
You know the saying "HEAR no evil, SEE no evil, Do no evil". If you were further away, you would NOT HEAR OR SEE EVIL . . . . . .

FLORIDA is pretty far away . . . .
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Make sure you post pics !

I am going tomorrow - WED to pick up some eggs to hatch - - Marans and Delawares !

Wish me luck - - -it will be my first incubation !
OK everyone who chimed in on my EARLY morning "Creative" writing!

I got my flu shot FIRST. Then, I went to the feed store and got elder pot belly pig food, scratch, and laying crumbles. I, also, picked up my children from the school and took them to the monthly 4-H meeting.

at my username - - IT is MATH ACE, NOT ENGLISH ACE.

I know ya'll were just picking.
I am GLAD I brought HUMOR and JOY to ya'lls lives yesterday !

WHAT shall I do today - - -Oh I know - - another MATH QUIZ TODAY - - YEA YEA
Go Math, Go Math, Go Math

HOLD UP - - I think I am feeling Coffee overload AGAIN !

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