Coffee's ready...

Good morning ladies.

I have to admit that I'm not so sure I'm a good person to own ducks. My chickens are wonderful - they make me happy to walk over there. The duckies, not so much. They're so dirty and *wet*! I don't like getting wet, and I'm constantly having to deal with their water, and running the risk of getting my feet wet. Yuck. I'm looking forward to their pond arriving so they can go swim in that. I'm hoping that'll take care of some of their water needs and I won't be out having to take care of their water so often. (Fat chance, I know...) Ah well - hope hubby appreciates them. (They're for him.)

In better news, Buffy is an egg machine! She started laying and has been pretty regular since then - gorgeous shells, great yolks, wonderful small lightbrown eggs. Willow is starting to grow up too - her comb's been growing and I'm looking forward to maybe in the next week or three having *two* layers! (It'll be a while for Stella...)

Gotta go light a fire under the teenager now - it's time to *go* and I'm not sure he's even dressed yet!
Good morning chicvken wranglers
It is good to be alive .My ducks are real good layers so I'm not going to butcher them like I thought I was going to.Turkeys though are goinbg on the block in a week or so.
Sissy I think I'll divide my new coop into halves to separate the different birds. Good Idea.
Have a great day God Bless!
Bummer, especially since I am only separating a few of them, the rest will live with her forever, but I guess eventually she will lay again. I'm hoping her Leghorn genes will kick back on. I let her take the babies out to free-range yesterday. She was very good. One got separated and started crying, and she came right back for it. The BR gave one a swift peck, but the Marans was the worst toward them. I thought she was bad toward the EE babies because she was lowest on the pecking order and wanted to retain her spot, but she is second next to the BR now and she is still being mean to the baby chicks. Mama Sunshine put quite a beat-down on her when she did it, though! She jumped up at her, grabbed her with her talons (and they were talons, not feet, in this instance), and pecked her head three or four times before letting go and chasing her. It's funny since the Leghorn is about four pounds lighter than the giant Marans girl. Of course I was also worried about her ripping out the Marans' beautiful feathers, as she is my supper- model chicken, but I had to let it happen for a minute so she would learn her lesson.

I'm glad it's Friday. Working an extra hour a day has been tiring, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I didn't commit to doing anything this weekend, and am looking forward to some down time. There is a birthday party and a work party I may or may not show up at - I'm being one of those annoying guests that doesn't give you a straight answer on whether or not they are coming, but oh well. I'm feeling antisocial..... just want to be with my chickens and BF and son this weekend.

Gotta get working. Have a great Friday, chicken peeps!
hi all flock tenders.
it was a bit nippy early this morning as I fed and watered my cartoon
characters, but they were ready for feed. they seem to have
more of an appetite today may because of the cold .

it sure is coming to soon for me .
Karl hows the new coop going?
you'all have a good day.
GREAT JOB - - Mama Sunshine ! My stupid marans broody did nothing when her baby was being terriozed so I could not free range them for a while. . . I am telling you, that stupid marans was NOT A GOOD MAMA.

When you need down time - - then you just need it. Don't feel bad about wanting to just be at home. It is hard for others to realize what an emotional and physical drain it is to be in the education system. It drives many teachers to the introverted side of life on their off time
Good morning from Arizona. The desert is getting some much needed rain, temps. have really dropped fast. It sure feels good. My dogs and cat are full of it now.
My pack 10 teenage chickens are grown up! I have been getting some tiny eggs for about 2 weeks , lo and behold I got a blue egg, and I got the second one yesterday.
I put 1 blue egg from my EE under my bantam Frizzle hen, My EE got killed, so that was the last egg. She hatched out all 10 eggs, where my pack 10 name came from, They really hang together. About the same time another Frizzle hen was setting eggs, as soon as the baby hatched she kicked them out of the nest box and set on them, pulled feathers out of them. she tried to kill them, and did kill 4. I was able to save 3, I call these +3. They all have names. I took another closer look at Velvet, from pack 10, She has muffs and is as big as my RIR hens. She is a beauty, Crossed with a Bantam Gold lace cochin. The color makes her look like she is velvet.

I let my coffee get cold. Ah, got a new cup, that is better. i don't like cold coffee!

I just looked at the time, I need to get ready to head into town to see the DR.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Math ace. Dh is doing better may have his back surgery
this month , can u believe heart healed it self.
since it was minor heart probl;ems never heard that before .
but the Lord is doing his work,
Tonopaug- good to have you here U were missed
I hope you are having better days ahead,
are you gettin a lot of cold
as we are having really chilly here
had to have heat this morning.
has anyone heard from Scoop?
I am still looking for golden comets.

Imiss my 2 little ones.

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