Coffee's ready...

Evening everyone, how are you all today?? Its bedtime here and the first time i have had a minute to write!!
Started work again on Thursday so never get as much BYC-ing done as I would like!!

Bad news, came home from work yesterday to be told that a dog had came in the garden and killed one of my chickens, Mrs Oreo
my black rock, she was my best layer, and very friendly.
Anyway, said dogs owner phoned to tell me it was her dog, and she was VERY apologetic and offered to pay for another one. Didn't take her up on the offer though as was just happy that she admitted it and promised to keep the dog on a lead. If it happens again I wouldn't be so understanding!
Sooooo, tomorrow I am off to get another few girlies, don't know what I am gonna get, as the man has a few different breeds so I can have a lovely time chosing!!!

Hope you all have had/are having a nice day!!
That sucks!

We have an agreement with the neighbors next door, if his dog gets a chicken, he replaces, said chicken.

Sorry you had the bad experience of losing a bird, especially a prized one.
That is my biggest fear, Tartnick. There aren't many predators here in the city, but dogs wander up and down my alley all day.
- I'm so sorry it happened to you. I love Rocks, too. I have a Barred Rock and a Blue Rock, and they are just great birds.

Happy Saturday, everyone! Going to the market shortly, then maybe to do another test drive. And trying to RELAX after a busy week.

Got my coffee, laundry started, and some BYC - it's a good start.
Good morning chicken wranglers. I'm up way too early on a satyrday so I can go to the Stockton Poultry Show.

Soon as I've caffeinated sufficiently to drive safely, I'm heading out.
Thanks chicks, renart and petej it is horrible when it happens, but it is a dogs instinct, so i shall let it off once, if it happens again, i won't be so calm about it, especially as i have just bought for more lovely chooks, just going to upload pics for you all!

Chicks, hope you had a nice relaxing day after the market!!

Annaraven, hope ou enjoyed your poultry show!!
Morning everyone!! ITs nearly midday here and I am having coffee and chocolate orange!!!
How is everyone today? Weather here is dry but cold and a bit cloudy!!
Just about to go and feed the pony and then clean the coop out if I can get a minute inbetween everyone laying!!
So here are the new girls!!





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