Coffee's ready...

Good Morning! A dereary, foggy morning today, highs in the low 70s. My son is still congested, but no fever, so I took him to school. I was quite tempted to stay home, but I try to save my sick days for when we really need them. They don't give you that many when your job only requires you to work 9 1/2 months out of the year....

I never switched his school. His accidents have gotten a lot fewer since doing the every two hour training that the doctor recomened. I figured it may set him back worse if I switched schools on him, so for now we are taking it day by day. He still has accidents, but not everyday and the school is not complaining as much.
That's pretty efficient, kaj! I need to look at solar panels. It will be my pennance for trading in the Prius.
My BF loves to make spaetzle. And I love venison sausage- mmmm. I was promised some over Christmas and SIL never delivered. I was looking forward to some, too!! I will be making strata with chirizo sausage tonight, with fresh guacamole on the side. I have a lot of eggs piled up, and it may be time to try and sell my very first dozen.

Well, gotta run up to the front office. Have a good day, and best of luck to all of you in the path of that winter storm. Stay safe.
70degs????????????????????????????????????????????????? let me repeat 70degs???????????????????????????????????????????????
It was 18 when I woke up with a nice little breeze.

I am glad he is doing good. Just takes a little time and patience.

Our "panels" aren't the classic flat panels, but tubes. With the price of oil going up, they'll be paid for in a couple of years.

I never had strata with chirizo sausage. This is the first year for making sausages. I think I should get a sausage stuffer if I want to make more. Everyone wanted venison stew last night instead of pea soup or the sausages and pasta. Does you BF have a spaetzle machine or does he cut them?

Enjoy your day
Well, you jinxed my Kaj. My son's school called around 9:30 to tell me my son had had an accident and they would like for me to come and pick him up.
So I am done with that place. Done. I have four schools to go tour in a few hours.
I told him we were going to go to a new school, and he whimpered and said "but I won't pee my pants any more, I promise. I don't want a new school. I won't pee my pants!".
It's breaking my heart. I told him it wasn't just because he peed his pants today - that is just way too much preassure. I said there were lots of reasons, and we would find an even better school. I may have my Mom just take him over for a quick good bye tomorrow and to get any stuff left there. I am so angry and disapointed.

BF has a spaetzle maker. It comes out nice.
I am in North Florida and we are running 50 degrees today. It sucks! I was in shorts yesterday. Not only is it colder, but it has rained all day

Chicks, tell Ds you don't like that school anymore. Don't let him feel guilty. I wish I was closer . . . I'd go with you to that #$%%# school.

I helped a teacher change a child's poo poo accident at my children's school when they were in Kindergarten.
Trust me, pee accidents are not uncommon for little boys even at kindergarten age.
Thanks, Math Ace! I don't know if I'll stop back by there tomorow or not. I will tell him we don't like his school anymore. I have to call the two parents that are friends of mine who have is two buddies there and tell them what happened. And I'm going to call and demand my money back for this month.
And write them a nasty letter.

He even changes his pants himself. It's really not that big a deal. Just hand him the pants and tell him to change.

I don't think it quite made it to 70 here today - maybe mid 60s. It was 76 yesterday. No rain here, just foggy and cloudy all day, making everything look and feel like it rained.
Good morning chicken wranglers
-4 here this morning and the blizzard shut down everything in this area, Ihad one hen die from the cold, I'm sure. You who are suffering 50 degree weather sure have my sympathy!
Morning people,
Karl, you -3 deg weather showed up this morning, I'll send it back to you.

Chics: Didn't mean to jinx you, but I think it will be the best for him.

Math: I'll take that 50 any day, even in the summer. Unless it's like those damp, dreary 50 deg days where your bones creak and crack without even moving.

Shoveling snow off of the grandmothers in-law roof today. We are suppose to get a mixture of everything it seems tomorrow.

Stir fry tonight, shrimp,beef, sweet peppers, carrots, celery, pineapple, onions over rice noodles.

Enjoy your day

Morning Flock tenders how have you all been?
Colddddd here, coffee hot and enjoying a nice home made biscuit,

no snow, cloudy and spooky looking

Havent been on in a while
running Dh back and forth to DR.
he will have back surgery the end of the month
we're hoping it may help him to walk.
Ihope your all staying warm and cozy.
6 -3month silkies are doing fine
in this weather all I do is let Mama hen do her chores.
and I see to it they have feed and water, no heat lamps
after that last electric bill, almost 600.
There will not be heat lamps ever.
Morning all:

bang bang bang stomp stomp whirrrrrrr vrooooom

That's what I wake to and hear all day every day. The new furnace and ductwork is going in. They're also putting in a roof jack for the new mechanical air return. Blah. It'll be nice when I have a furnace that works. Right now, we're using the old baseboard heaters and it's killing our electric bill. It'll be even nicer when we get the solar turned on! Still waiting on the inspection and the electric company.

Weather is good here, unlike the rest of the country. Wish my hip was doing better so I could take advantage of it.

Chics - glad to hear you're finding a better place for him. Make sure he knows it's not his fault.

The furnace is natural gas, not propane. Still way more efficient than electric heat.

Sympathy to ya'll in the snow and cold. I'm from Minnesnowta where it's normal to be like that. I can't imagine having to deal with it in places where it's not a normal event. Hope everyone's doing okay. Stay warm!

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