Coffee's ready...

Well here I am again.

Things here are cold, cold , cold.

Posted some older chicks to CL for $1 ea, just to get rid of them and I got a hen in the coop going broody. Makes me crazy.

To many roos and no one to process them yet.

Ordered tomato seeds from Burpee and will order Hollyhocks from Johnny's. Can't find the old fashion kind in the stores. Can you believe it?

Lots of plans for the spring but Lord have mercy it's taking a long time to get here and when it does it goes to fast.

Have tickets to Alabama and may never come back to the North, except the south is getting hit pretty good too. Hope you southerners survive. DD in TX says they closed the schools for an inch of snow.

Well take care

Good afternoon! Hope its warming up for you all up north! It was been foggy and rainy today. I did manage to clean up my camper and put it up for sale before the rain started.
I know it's the most logical thing to do, and I'm excited about getting a new vehicle soon. I have a great idea for a coop. I am going to fence in the area like BF was planning on doing, and making a coop out of an old VW van shell. I'll call it the Hippy chick egg factory.

Going out to dinner with my parents for my Moms birthday today.

Sorry you have to get rid of some of you chicks for such a low price, Rancher. If you were closer I bet I could find some buyers for you. I just had one lady e-mail me wanting to re-home four of hers, so I need to send out a message and see if I can help her out.

Well, time to get some ironing done. Have a great afternoon!
Good morning people,
We are having quiet the nice weather here, waking up to upper 20's low 30's and highs in the 40's

Ranger, wish you were closer, I'd would have purchased some from you. Have you tried a local yahoo chicken group? I am on the hudson valley one.

Chicks, That's a good name for the new coop. Are you going to be painting it all sorts of colors? Sounds like you are moving right along with you new vehicular.

We humped another hill yesterday. There must be 3 - 4' of snow in some places. With so much snow, I had to do a lot of bending the last hour or so to the summit. The trail markers which are usually above my head we between the height of my waist and chest. It was a crisp clear day, sounds funny, but you could see to the horizon.

Saturday, I messed up on some math. I left with 2 roosters and came home with 4 pullets, but then........

Enjoy your day

Good morning chicken wranglers
Talk about snow and hiking, Gee I wish I had time for such stuff. We usually like to go to the movie on sun or sat but it was too busy getting all the clean up done and then I had to rewire an Outlet outside for a tank heater.I did get to pull the boys around on a sled with the four wheeler over the ice.Snow was too deep for the wheeler to go through. The pond was clear except for 2 or 3 inches, Just right for, a little traction.Teens and minuses through the rest of the week I'll have to cut down more fire wood again country life!
Here's a picture of my weekend project.

One day to assemble and another few hours the next day to paint. . . .



It is my new brooder for my latest hatch.
I've still got a couple of things to do to it before it is ready for the chicks to move in, BUT it is real close to 100% complete.
Chicks - sounds really neat. Not sure such a thing would work here in the north where it gets very cold.

Karl - you don't need snow to hike. We have the old Erie canal nearby and it gets used a lot all year I suspect. Though I do wish the state would do more to protect it and keep it clean.

Que - keep in touch you never know what I'll have. I like to hatch but can't always find buyers so things can go cheap. It's just that folks don't know how to trade or dicker.

Math - that looks really nice, though I doubt it would hold up to the snow we get here or be warm enough for the winters cold. I've got a thermometer in the coop and I'm happy when its above 20* .

Well take care folks, place to go and people to annoy.

It'll be fine when I am finished. REMEMBER, I have to have a DUAL purpose brooder. . . .It has to be cool enough to handle our months of 100 plus heat and then warm enough to handle to 20 - 30 degree days we get during the winter. SNOW - - -not so much an issue.

I have to cut some plywood to slide inside for flooring, but it has to be removable for the summer. I've purchased some PVC roofing material that is CLEAR. I have to cut it down to size and make a track for it to slide on. This will be my "storm" windows for the winter months. During the summer and warmer winter days, the storm window can be slid open for circulation.

Add the brooder lamp and it will be just fine on 20 degree days - no wind, no drafts, and toasty !
Good morning chicken wranglers.

Nice weekend project math ace!
And I love the Hippie Chick Egg Factory idea chics!
Wish I was close enough to get some of those one buck chooks from ya, Rancher. Hope you at least had good uptake on it.

Okay, folks. Gotta get off my fluffy butt and try to get this house cleaned up. Stay warm!
Hello everyone!
A bit of a crazy morning. I'm about to go try and track down some kids and grab lunch somewhere - I'm famished. I have someone interested in the van that is coming down on Saturday, and if he gives me the cash then I'll start looking for a VW to use for my coop idea, and spend just a little of the money on that (and having it towed here!). It will take a while, but it would be fun. And no, I doubt it would work for a really cold climate. I will probably take out the front and back windows and replace them with wire to keep it cooler in there, then have some sort of shutter or vinyl curtains to close when it is cold.

Nice brooder, Math Ace!! I wish I went hiking as often as you do, Kaj. And you've got such beautiful scenery to look at.

Well, gotta run. Have a good one.
Good morning people,
Looks like another mess dropping in today, snow & slush.

Math: Looks like you are going to be all set. How many more birds you plan on getting?

Chics & Karl: The winter season is the only time when we have time to do a lot of hiking. Both of the rats are out of the house, which frees up a ton of time. Usually this time if the year is slow for me, but it has been "unpleasantly" busy.

Ranger: will do. The better half thinks we can fit a few more birds in the coop.

Enjoy day


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