Coffee's ready...

Good morning! hello mighty oak. 28F sounds dreadful. Its supposed to be another sunny above freezing day today, so I can go finish shingling the new coop's roof. Hope the oral surgery goes well for her. Hey, I'm soaking up caffeine and tylenol for another day of construction.

Sorry about the hen that's sad.
Good morning chicken wranglers. I think I've slept 20 of the last 24 hours. I'm slept out. Don't feel healthy yet but a bit better.

Glad to hear it's warming up a bit for folks. We've got rain for the rest of the week.

Okay - I'm off to wake the teen for school.
Afternoon folks busy day. DD let the chickens out for me this morning weather is super, wish winters were all this temp, or at least no below zero weather. Even if it never got below 25* would be nice.

Well take care everyone gotta run.

Good morning chicken wranglers
paper mill outage today, The work is exhausting climbing greasy gear trains lifting pulling rigging moving heavy rollers all in fullbody harness.I'm getting old for the bull work nowdays. Still able but not as willing!
Now home to the cows and chickens for all that work. Well life is work and now I'll have some cheese for my last whine!
You guys have a great evening and God bless!
Oesdog and Sissy are you out there?
Tonopah are you OK?
Thanks, StupidBird. I feel a little better today about our hen. Putting her down was hard, as that was really the first time I had to make that decision and actually do it myself/with DH's help. I definitely think I can do it again when I need to make that decision, because it was the right thing to do.

karl, I give you credit for doing all of that hard work! I'm a Psych RN, but believe me it's not nearly as challenging as that sounds! I don't (usually) have to climb over anything at work, but then again, I never really know what my days will be like! LOL!

I had to leave work early today because DH is sick and vomiting pretty badly. He went to ER and was re-hydrated with IV fluids. I may have to take off tomorrow, which would give me a 4 day weekend. Tomorrow's supposed to be in the low 60s... Hmmm...
Not sure what I should do....

Hope everyone else is starting to feel better!

I'm really enjoying my daily visits to the Coffee's Ready thread! Have a good evening, all!
Yes I am here - Just really tired and not feeling the best lately. Lots of stuff going on. DH is to Hospital again next week and care issues with the kids and all that kind of stuff.
Oesdog - thanks for remembering me though
Morning, chicken peeps. Trying to get enough coffee in me to wake up and be productive on a Friday. Hope all the sickies on here are feeling better.

It looks like I might have found someone to buy my car so I don't have to trade it in for the paltry sum that a dealer would give me!

That sounds like some serious physical work, Karl! We just had a school wide power surge for some reason and I had to re-boot my computer. Weird.

Well, not a whole lot going on. Need to get some paperwork done this morning. Have a good one.
Oh boy, another day off. DH is up in bed, he can't seem to hold anything down. Poor guy! My boss is going to love me, but at least I have sick time I can use for now. Hopefully the rest of this year the family will be completely healthy! Ha ha, yeah right.

My kids all get out of school early today, and the youngest has a dance tonight. I remember those middle school dances, and how much fun they were. She wanted a fancy dress, so I bought one straight off of the clearance rack at Boscov's for $7.99. I think every fancy dress I've ever bought for her has been from the clearance rack, come to think of it.

We're supposed to have weather into the 60s today - hope everyone else is having their ice melt!

Have a good day!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Oesdog I hope that your husbands care goes well and that soon the pressure will ease up.
Chics I had to do a double take on your post at first I thought it said a school white power surge, must be tired!
Chicky Apsych that sounds challenging just to think about, Dealing with people that don't have a grip on things can be frightening in its own roight," I think a lot of people have phsycotic powers"!
Annna, Rancher,Quercus, Stupid and All Y'all have a great weekend,God Bless!
karl - NO WAY! I LOVE my job! I guess it takes a certain kind of person to be involved with psych care, but a lot of these people have nowhere else to go and do consider the staff their "family", so to speak. I work at a State Hospital. I do feel that a lot of psych patients get a bad rap. There are definitely some patients that are (very) dangerous, but there are a LOT of people that are not. I could never imagine working in a different field of nursing - I say no to OR, the ER, med/surg nursing, etc. I guess it does take all kinds, LOL! And contrary to what Hollywood portrays, we do not use straight jackets, or seclusion. We offer programs including library, a greenhouse, we have a canteen that the patients help to run twice a week, field trips for patients that are appropriate, pet therapy, hairdressers, etc. etc. I could go on and on. And nothing is more rewarding than seeing a patient discharged!!!

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