Coffee's ready...

Good afternoon chicken wranglers
Chicks I'm so glad I'm not alone.I was trapped in a dark place and now you have freed me.
Anyway I bought a bottle calf at the sale. She is the prettiest calf ever. She is a gurnsey and when I went into the stall to get her she started nursing on my coattail. Now all of the kids are in love with her and kale the 5 year old wants to feed her all the time! She is our second bottle girl this year. I paid 80.00 for her and I cannot wait to bread her and start milking 2 years or so from now! God Bless all ya'll.
Aww... I want to see some pics, Karl! Our pair of pigeons finally laid a little egg. I hope I have it to where it will be safe from the chickens.

Just a quick note to say have a good weekend - I'm off the grid as of tomorrow. Got my pack packed, ready to go - can't wait!
Hello! I've been off of this thread for a few days, busy, busy, busy. DH was only out of the hospital for 2 days, then I had him help me process 4 roosters yesterday. He says he feels about 95% better, which is awesome!
The four roosters were not from my flock, they were advertised on Craigslist. I wanted to learn how to process birds, so we did the deed yesterday. It sure makes me appreciate any meat that I eat much more. If anybody's interested, here's the thread I started to document my experience:

My little bantam roo was excused. He is very happy to be back in the coop with his ladies.

So, today I stopped at my feed store and discovered that they are having chick days there!!! I was so stinking excited I drove off without the chicken feed that I bought. Whoops... The man that loads the feed into my minivan just laughed at me. I am ordering 5 White Midget turkeys and 10 meat birds, they will arrive around Mother's Day. BTW, my first shipment of meaties arrives either Tuesday or Wednesday this week, along with 15 other various pullets. I can't wait. So I'll get my first batch of meaties done shortly before my second batch arrives. At least the freezer will be full.

I am thankful that my husband puts up with all of my "stuff". BUT, his hobby of restoring classic cars is a lot more expensive than mine.

Rancher, I want to thank you again. You are very thoughtful!!! And DH really thought it was a nice gesture, he really appreciated it!

karl, hope your little bottle girl is doing well! She sounds like a real sweetheart!

chics, hope you had a nice hike!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Chicky cowee, that is her name is doing well. Ijust gave her a bottle at noon. My old tennessee walker went down and cant get up. I've ntoiced him laying down quite often and then limping when he gets up. Now he can't get up and his rear legs are twitching so I guess he is through. I'll have to put him down I guess .Say la vive.
Well God Bless!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Math the horse finally got up but won.t use one of his legs much. I think it maybe that he will have to be put down we will see as to what plays out in the next few days.
Other than that I hope all is well for everyone as it seems we are all consumed with early spring projects and casnnot get in front of the keyboaerd as much. Miss the banter from oesdog and rancher.,guess he is in al. and oesdog where are you Tarttanic?? Well thats a wrap. I hope God Blesses all of ya'll's endevors!
I am here Karl thanks for asking!! Glad to hear your horse is up but a hard decision for you now!
ChickyLaura, i looked at your thread on butchering chickens, very interesting especially i plan on doing it this year.
I have 2 chicks hatched today and one egg with a beak peeking out, pics at this link

Hope everyone is having a nice day, bit cloudy here but no rain!
Had a coffee and upside-down pineapple cake earlier, now its time to make dinner!!!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Yikes activity on the thread,
Oesdog chasing rainbows? IT would seem a little elusive of an occupation, but quite time consuming.
Anna who knows why boys do what they do?
Tartannik congrats on the hatch. All I do with eggs is sell and eat them.Hatching is too much work for me.
Math feel free to weigh in! God bless ally'all! Rancher Hope the trip is good!

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