Coffee's ready...

Great idea on getting a cheapo and using the other until you save up for a good one! And, I love that picture of you! I thought for a second that was your baby and wondered how you look so good with a newborn!
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Great idea on getting a cheapo and using the other until you save up for a good one! And, I love that picture of you! I thought for a second that was your baby and wondered how you look so good with a newborn!

Oh gosh - I thought I looked a bit odd - as to tell the truth I was up the entire night at the hospital waiting for Jess to be born!!!!! Didn;t she look a big girl and all those curls I was on cloud 9 - I think it was that that kept me going!!!

Good morning chicken wranglers
I see ya'll got up and fergot to check in well the coffee is so good I'm gonna head to the john again and make room for more.
The goose has taken to hiding her eggs. Ifeel so sorry for her since they are not fertal and she is trying so hard to protact them. Iwonder what the goose egg keesh will taste like? Poor poor goosey always a bridesmaid never a bride!"mom" I mean",Have agreat day!
Aww, Karl that is sad for her.
Maybe you could stick some fertile duck or chicken eggs in her nest. What kind of conference are you headed to, annaraven?

Looks like I've got the weekend to start putting up a privacy fence along the back of my yard. That's the first step toward my new aviary - I'm getting excited! I have a feeling I'll be working on it through spring break - and beyond, probably.

Coffee tasted particularly good this morning for some reason.
Have a great day, chicken peeps.
Hey everyone, back from Alabama, Had a great time and hated to leave the grand kids.

70's there and came home it was 25*. If you've seen the news we got 2 more feet sunday night. snowblowed a lot yesterday.

brought back hatching eggs from Allaboutdemchicks. you can see her birds on her web Chapel farm. Google it and have look. Got 5 silkie eggs. I don't like silkies but I think DW does so maybe she'll get involved a little. She was reallly nice and the grandkids had a nice time playing in her yard and seeing her chickens.

Hated to come home but this is where the lord has us.

take care and stay well

I wondered where you were, Math Ace! Good to see you this morning! You too, Rancher - welcome home!

I forgot to tell you guys what my BF discovered on Monday. Tell me if this has happened to any of you gardeners. Our composter is basically a barrell turned horizontal with a bar through it so it can be turned. The frame broke, so we hadn't turned it in a while because we need to secure it. Now we apparently have a bee hive in there!! I noticed there were a ton of bees all over my lime tree, and I wondered why there we so many this year (I should have plenty of limes in a few months!) We are going to go to the morning market on Saturday and consult with one of the guys that sells honey there about what to do. It will be lime-blossom honey, but I wonder what being in a plastic bin full of rotting fruit and veggies will do to the taste of the honey? I love the idea of having our own little bee hive, but we can't let it turn in to one of those huge ones that has millions of bees in it, either.

That "Ameraucana" with the feathered legs that my leghorn hatched out is definately the result of an illicit tryst somewhere on the breeders farm. She laid the most gorgeous olive colored egg two days ago. At least I did get my one Am that lays a blue egg. Now I have two olive eggers, but the eggs they lay are two toally differnt shades - one is more grey/ kahki, and the other is deep olive green. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Well, time to get to work. I must be feeling chatty today! Have a good one.
Good morning! Just 'checking in before I run the two oldest kids to school. Youngest DD is still healing from her tonsillectomy on the couch. She is watching Dirty Jobs at 7:28 am. How funny!

rancher, glad to hear you had a nice trip. 70s sounds nice right about now! Well, I can always daydream. It's 30 degrees here. We didn't get 2 feet of snow, but we did get a few inches on Sunday night. Sorry to hear you had to snowblow, especially after being spoiled by such nice Alabama weather!

chics, I can't even imagine how good lime honey would be!
Just don't get stung - ouch! One of my EEs started laying again 3 days ago, she lays a pretty mint green egg. I have two other EEs, but they haven't really laid since fall! One lays an olive green egg, and the other, well, just a regular old green egg. I do love finding them, though! chics, we are also planning on putting up an "aviary", but I don't have any ducks (yet) to put in. I will be getting turkeys soon, though, if they count. We are going to be starting our privacy fence in our back yard as soon as the ground thaws.

Have a good day everyone! Enjoy the day!
Hi everyone,

warm day 27* wow.
Not alabama but I'll take it.

Brought back some eggs when I can home. Went through the Birmingham security and they were real nice. They had to swab each egg for explosives and then used the wand to scan them. I asked them not to xray them. Two dozen but the guy was nice and I gave him my card with BYC on the back. Don't know if he'll visit or not.

We're supposed to get more snow this week just and inch or so I think.

Well take care


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