Coffee's ready...

d morning chicken wranglers
$ dozen eggs yesrtterday! wow! Today is goose egg keesh day! Cannot wait for yummy goose eggs and cheese and bacon and other great ingriedients.Nice to see everyone is back for the rancher reunion! He missed all Y'all anyhow.Oh so did I , Have a good'un.
Good morning! I received another early morning call from the post office! Suhweet! I went to pick up my 4 BBB Turkeys and 5 Naked Necks. This is my first venture into Turkeys, and jeez they are loud. I keep checking on them to see if anything's wrong, but everything looks OK. Plenty of clean fresh water and plenty of food, heat lamp is adjusted just so. The naked necks are so adorable. I think I could have 1000 naked necks running around and it still wouldn't be enough. Ha ha!

Tomorrow is back to work day for me. My daughter is still on the mend from her surgery on Monday, but she is maybe 5% better each day. She is supposed to return to school on Monday, but we'll see.

It's rainy here, I mean really rainy. Hope everyone has a great day!!!

karl, enjoy your goose eggs!! Never had 'em, but I'm sure they're yummy!
Good morning, chicken keepers!
I have not found the love yet for naked necks, chickylaura. Enjoy yours, though. Someone should.....
Hope your daughter keeps recovering!

Hey Rancher - What kind of eggs did you bring back? I took an updated picture of my Blue Plymouth Rock, who I THINK is laying now. It's either that, or the BR is coming out of her moult and has resumed laying. Her she is, almost full gown now:

I have officially sold two cartons of eggs now:weee
AND I got my truck this week - I got an older model than I had planned (2007) - a beautiful dark red Honda Pilot. Even though it's older, it is in such incredible shape it looks new! They obviously did not have children....

Well, back to work for me. Have a great Friday. TGIF.
good morning everyone...
I haven't been on this thread in a while. I was just wondering if anyone knew how Tonopah Pati is, she hasn't posted in a while and she was very ill. I am just hoping that all is well with her.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Chicky and chics good to hear from you. I am glad to see that you are diversafying with the flock. Turkeys are a littler touchy . I raised some but lost aboout half of them for unexplained reasons. But the balance were tasty!
The goose eggs are good to eat! She is hiding them like a champ. It took me 2 days to find the last clutch! I wonder how long she will keep laying?
Chics I know what ypou mean I sent the 12 year old out to feed and water the chickens and he threw the waterer over the fence and shattered it! A $ 39.00 heated waterer. I was so mad I told him he wiil have to sell his DS to pay for it! Kids! Whatta ya do!
God Bless!
good morning Karl and all my
fellow flock Tenders Have been off for
a few weeks Dh had the 6 1/2 hr back surgery alls well
and was transfered to Re hab. after 9 day hospital stay.
now all We can do is pray for a speedy recovery.
this is hard work for him he still is not abale to get into wheelchair
alone. and no sitting in a straight back chair DR. told us that
is worst for the spine he needs to sit in a slight reclineing
position... .humm no wonder my back hurts.
Back to all the flocks around I have 6 -4months old silkies but
only 1 hen , any one need a roo. and in all my history of having birds I never
lost 1...except to critters I noticed my hugh ameracuna roo was eating very slowly
and the next day Found him dead.
I check all over the only thing I
noticed for being so large he was very light wt.
enoy ur coffee. I am and enjoing this quiet time for me.
Have to get out back before I go to the Rehab home to vist DH.
thanks to who ever invented the farm boots. muddy here and very chilly.
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I brought back some BBS orps, RIR's and 5 silky . There in the incubator now. You can see her birds at her Chapel Farms web page.

She was super nice. I just hope the Del eggs I gave her hatch.

I won't candle these til next week if I can control myself. I like to candle on day 14 and then leave them til D-day.

Chics - that is a nice hen. Have you got any orps to put side by side to show the difference? Trylin and I are getting some BR's from Jeremy and I expect to get some CR's from Scott in GA. They will be my next hatch Good Lord willing.

Karl - I should post my wifes' spinach pie recipe, you'd love it.
Sorry, Rancher, Orpingtons are one breed I don't have around here.

I've spent the weekend working on ripping up the old chain link fence along our alley and putting up a wood board-on-board fence. The corner of it will be where I put the aviary, so I burried cinder blocks beneth that side. I'm sore, but happy it's almost done. Now for the fun part - brushing on weather proofer. I'll wait till next weekend for that project. Time for a rest.

Hope you are all having a great weekend!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Sissy good to hear from you, Hope your husband heals rapidly,Ranche rsend me the recipe. The wife and I are always looking for new healthy dishes.The
goose is getting better and better. Yesterday I found 2 eggs,but not until I had stepped on them. Luckily I walk very gingerly on the bank were she broods.
A beaver has invaded my pond,and is helping control the leek in the levy;I noticed many of the black willow sappling had been cut down and it took me a few minutes to realize that it was not me that had done it. I havent seen it yet but the sign is everywhere. I am glad to have nature taking care of my problems for me.
God Bless!
I'm having quite a morning (24 hour period, really). Last night I got a letter from the IRS saying I owe them 43k. Yes, you read that right. 43 THOUSAND DOLLARS.
I'd like someone to tell me where the huge chunk of money they say I made in 2009 went, 'cause I certainly don't remember it! I think it has something to do with a mistake made by an investment company that I had at the time. Which I 'fired'.

I opened a study book for a teaching certificate I was supposed to have completed by last year (miscommunication - thought I had till the summer), and it involves ALGEBRA! Help me, Math Ace!! I'm freaking out - I have to pass the test by May to be re-hired next school year!

My son is really sick - it started Sunday night. He has had a fever, cough, and congestion since then. He rarely gets sick, and he's in bad shape. If he's not better by this afternoon I'll call the doctor. When I put him in his car seat to take him to my Mom's this morning he also threw up a little.

Over the weekend we ripped up chain link and put in a new fence, and we must have left something out. It was dark with the time change and I kicked something on the way to the car in my heels and scraped / burised the top of my foot.

The only bright spot this monring is that my coffee maker is working again (for now), and I have a wonderful Columbian blend from Carribou coffe. It's very nice.


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