Coffee's ready...

Yeap - thats right I was lucky to be one of the chosen few !!!
Poor old Rancher had to swim - but the excersize did him good though!!

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Good morning chicken wranglers
ready for the day got my coffee and myfesh air, the ww cooked me breakfast and all is good.EXCEPT I'M ALONE!
Ya'll have a great day! God Bless!
Rancher? Waterwings?? Angelic??? like this?

No - More like THIS?

Doubtless doing a whole lot of this!

Of course there is always the safer way to travel


Evening everyone,
Busy day and i'm tired.
Still trying to get thing ready for the snow. It will be here all to soon. Poor chickens only see me to feed and water all winter long.
DD's cat got out and was hit by a car. It's sad but in truth I was sick of her getting on the counter and her being old she was peeing around the house. I didn't wish she'd meet such a violent end though. I had to dig the hole and that was a chore I stretched myself for since my back is not so good. I love my DD, so it was worth the trouble.
School is open and I went in to help in the kitchen today. I like to be there with the saints even if it is mostly women.
This will be my third year if I survive it.
Chickens are laying fine and I've raised the price of eggs 25 cents.
Have plans to go to AL or have I mentioned that already? I forget.
The 11th was our 35th anniversary and Lord knows I can't believe we've made it so long. Heaven knows neither of us could have done it with out His help. The bible gives lots of counsel if only folks would take it. We try as best we can.

Well DW is home from the hair do place so I gotta go. Take care and be well,


BTW yes I am old. I'm so old Jurassic Park brought back memories.
Evening people,
I hope everyone is doing well. Just checking in. We are heading out into the woods in a bit for a few more days (returning tuesday). We figure we can hump 12 - 14 miles a day. Nothing like instant coffee & cremora(sp?) to make you appreciate fresh ground coffee and cream.

Karl: That is a nice looking fish. Looks like a couple of good meals. I haven't seen one like that in years. What do you do with the turtles? Enjoy them in soup?

Rancher: I don't think I am ever ready for snow or winter for that matter. Our chickens are going into their molt, lots of feathers, few eggs.


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