Coffee's ready...

Can only get better
There were about 6 of us at the assessors office. Have all kinds of people working on it. It will be in the paper.
Well I finally got the photos of the Eggs !!!!!!! The shrinking eggs!!!!!!!!
we had the off smelly eggs and now this is the shrinking eggs mystery!!!!!!

Here goes.
Normal size eggs!!!!

Watch carefully here guys!!!!!
Then I got this little tiny Poop egg!!!!!!!!!!

Now I was thinking this is got to be wrong cause all my girls are way past poop egg stage - youngest will be 2 in June!!!!!!
While I was pondering this - this turned up!!!!!

It is the size of a sparrow egg - How can I find an egg cup to fit that??????????????

I mean I would be hard pushed to fit in in an upturned thimble!!!!! See it up against a "real egg"

This is crazy but you see what I mean about the mystry of the shrinking eggs!!!!!

Perhaps I have a very tiny chicken living in the coop I never noticed before???????

Good morning chicken wranglers
Golly gee Oesdog those eggs are quite the mystery!We'll have to call in the detectives.You call them poop eggs are they filled with poop?
I'm feling a bit better today,after ALL the weekend work maybe I can rest during the week.
I had to reschedule my flight from mon. to wed. I decided that if I had to sit next to someone as sick as me for a coup[le of hours I would be upset, so I spent the extra $200 to change the flight.It is a round trip same day flight for business,so it is kind of a marathon day anyway and I did not wish to start my week like that.
Good luck with the egg size O.
God Bless!
Well I am the first to post on the new site!!!!!!!!! In the coffee thread! Took me ages to find you because my pass word didn;t get recognised and I had to start over!!!
But OESDOG IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN the COffee shop having a bun now lets see who else figures out how to join me!!!!!!!

Oesdog - Tried to find some nice smilies but I can't figure it out????
Whew! Lots of differences on here! I do miss the option to see the most recent posts you have made, and if someone has posted a reply. Unless I missed it?
That is quite strange, Oesdog. I believe you have faries in you nest boxes, and they are up to mischief. ;)
Chics, I know there's a place, it's either on your profile listed down further or look on the page here for "new posts" and click, and it should give you the option.
Morning People,
I hope this finds everyone do well and enjoying their winter, staying busy and such, families are healthy and happy. It's raining here, in the mid 30's. Spring must be coming, I am being inundated with seed catalogs. We are going for a few sour cherry trees for jelly and jams. The only places we are finding snow, and it's just a few inches are in the mountains.

oesdog: looks like you have a set of "nestling(?)" eggs. Like those boxes that fit into one another.

Nice format, easy on the ole eyes. Something new to learn. Which is good, I have to keep the ole gray matter in shape.

Enjoy your days
Morning People,
I hope this finds everyone do well and enjoying their winter, staying busy and such, families are healthy and happy. It's raining here, in the mid 30's. Spring must be coming, I am being inundated with seed catalogs. We are going for a few sour cherry trees for jelly and jams. The only places we are finding snow, and it's just a few inches are in the mountains.

oesdog: looks like you have a set of "nestling(?)" eggs. Like those boxes that fit into one another.

Nice format, easy on the ole eyes. Something new to learn. Which is good, I have to keep the ole gray matter in shape.

Enjoy your days

I for 1 don't like learning new computer things that simply replace the old ones. I do CAD and graphic arts on the computer. CAD is the worst! They come out with new things every so often, the buttons and functions are changed and they won't read or manipulate previous versions so they are always bopping you for more cash and my learning curve is not as sharp as it used to be. Gratefully BYC is only costing us time and not more money to have the new thing. I hope they are happy with their choices and don't do this on a regular basis. I'm still looking for the perks that being a Golden Feather or Platinum member brings.

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