Coffee's ready...

Hello, folks. I know I haven't posted in a while. We went to Colorado for a week and had a great time. Skiing, hiking, seeing the sites. Work is the usual craziness. I'm planning a baby shower, my son's birthday party, and a little something for my boyfriend's birthday.
Oesgog, hang in there. It looks like BF's grandmother is on her way out, too, and it is so difficult. I don't know what I would do without mine.
My newer girls all have fowl pox, and the BLRW for some reason is having a terrible reaction to it. Her bumps are so bad that one eye is completely shut, her comb is black, and she looks aweful. I'm giving her some vitamins now.
Well, almost the weekend, thank goodness.

Hey there chics in the sun: Sounds like you are keeping busy there which is good for you. What kind of hiking did you do? I have to ask, is the little man going to have a sibling? As far as parties, what a way to start the summer. - Enjoy
My girls are gone. They did go to a nice home in the country where they will have many playmates once all make the adjustment. The place grows everything they put in their mouth except grains that they buy locally. Chickens and goats ect. I will miss them. am torn between trying to fight to change the law and saying to H*E* doublehocky sticks with the city and just concentrate to moving to Louisville KY with my daughter where they welcome chickens. I will stay on BYC I have found a home here with like minded people.
To be honest the problem with my neighbor was not so much the chickens but how we manage our garden. We gather leaves in the fall to use as mulch in the following summer. That means I have about 80 bags of leaves piled up in a corner of the garden lot which to them is a health hazard and nusiance. Claims the one day odor is too much to handle and the fact that we pile them 8" to a foot deep is outrageous and a blight on the neighborhood.
I'm going to stop because I am getting angry again. I can only pray for them.
So sorry, rngbill. I hope you fing a place to call home where you can garden and raise chickens to your heart's content.
No, Quercus, no babbies for me. I am hosting a shower for me sister in law, who shocked the you know what out of me when she said she is having another one with her boyfriend after divorcing her husband two years ago. At least the boyfriend is far nicer to her, and they are very excited. I don't expect any more for me, which is okay. I does look like my own boyfriend's younger daughter may move in with us soon if his crazy ex wife allows it. It would be best for all involved.
Anybody remember that hillarious commercial with the cowboys hearding cats? That was my job in a nutshell today, and I am beat. Good night!
My girls are gone. They did go to a nice home in the country where they will have many playmates once all make the adjustment. The place grows everything they put in their mouth except grains that they buy locally. Chickens and goats ect. I will miss them. am torn between trying to fight to change the law and saying to H*E* doublehocky sticks with the city and just concentrate to moving to Louisville KY with my daughter where they welcome chickens. I will stay on BYC I have found a home here with like minded people.
To be honest the problem with my neighbor was not so much the chickens but how we manage our garden. We gather leaves in the fall to use as mulch in the following summer. That means I have about 80 bags of leaves piled up in a corner of the garden lot which to them is a health hazard and nusiance. Claims the one day odor is too much to handle and the fact that we pile them 8" to a foot deep is outrageous and a blight on the neighborhood.
I'm going to stop because I am getting angry again. I can only pray for them.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad for you. I know a little of how you feel as I was forced to find new homes for my Roo boys last year. While I knew I had to get homes for at least two of them as I had 4. It felt so bad to see my hand hatched and reared little Omlet ( Maran ) and my dear boy Blue ( Rare breed cream crested legbar) go to a petting farm. - Sadly the other two lads Big Red the Sussex and the other Maran, Duck were MURDERED by their new owners on the farm they went to who promised them "good forever homes?" The neighbor who complained now has a blasted dog that never stops barking morning noon and night!!!! And they complained about MY Roo boys????? Eventhough our houses back onto farm land?????????? Why buy a house on farm land and complain about farm noises I will never know????? Good thing is now the farm has a lot of Roo boys and they start crowing about 4AM!!!!! I love standing at the back door to listen to them in the night - but I don;t think my neighbor does
The lord has his ways!!!!!!

I am sooooo sorry you lost your girls

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The neighbor who complained now has a blasted dog that never stops barking morning noon and night!!!! And they complained about MY Roo boys?????
I'd definitely start documenting (borrow a machine that tests decibel levels) and file complaints. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Fortunately, I'm zoned agricultural; my neighbor has 25 chickens, including at least 8 roo's. I love the sound of the crowing, although usually the canada geese overhead are louder.
I don't have any roos right now, just two happy hens, we'll get some new chicks next month. I set up my chicken cam, it's fun to watch them eat and sleep, and check on them remotely when I'm on the road.
Yes Oes, Poeple are weird. Chickens are much better company I have come to realize. We had a couple of families that bought homes just off of the end of the runway of our local airport then complained about the noise of the aircraft taking off and landing. What were they thinking??
Sorry to hear about your birds rngrbill, but you found a good place for them. We use to encounter pia people up on the farm. I, like you rngrbill could never understand people moving close to the farm and then complaining about the noise. They never had a problem walking around the woods and fields without permission. Personally, we never cared just as long as they left the place like they found it. I can remember tracking a snowmobile track back to a house, and they denying that it was them cutting the fences etc.
They only gripe I have where we live now are people throwing their garbage out of their cars along the road. We have 2 roosters and a pile of noisy hens. People behind us are like homesteading, "collecting" farm machinery and their menagerie. Our other neighbor, dances to a whole different beat. You can tell they are having a family function, he'll mow the lawn. We have a orchard across the road, so they are "noisy". Would we want to change anything: nope. We like the pandemonium as it is.
Noisy dogs - dog whistle...................

chics in the sun: congratulations in being another Auntie.......
"Anybody remember that hilarious commercial with the cowboys herding cats?" - Can't say I do. We haven't had tv in a couple of years.

Enjoy the day
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad for you. I know a little of how you feel as I was forced to find new homes for my Roo boys last year. While I knew I had to get homes for at least two of them as I had 4. It felt so bad to see my hand hatched and reared little Omlet ( Maran ) and my dear boy Blue ( Rare breed cream crested legbar) go to a petting farm. - Sadly the other two lads Big Red the Sussex and the other Maran, Duck were MURDERED by their new owners on the farm they went to who promised them "good forever homes?" The neighbor who complained now has a blasted dog that never stops barking morning noon and night!!!! And they complained about MY Roo boys????? Eventhough our houses back onto farm land?????????? Why buy a house on farm land and complain about farm noises I will never know????? Good thing is now the farm has a lot of Roo boys and they start crowing about 4AM!!!!! I love standing at the back door to listen to them in the night - but I don;t think my neighbor does
The lord has his ways!!!!!!

I am sooooo sorry you lost your girls


Oesdog.... You need to see if the guy with the farmland will let you put a coop on it.... On the very edge of it.... On the edge closest to your property... A small coop...
A coop the size of a dog house. That way you could lock you roos up at night on his property and let them visit all day on your property. . . .

That would make them your neighbor's roos and who could fault you for the neighbor's birds? LOL . . . It's not your fault they like to visit EVERY SINGLE DAY!

OMG, That would be tooo o o o o o Funny!

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