Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers'
I wonder if some of the poultry suppliers sstrerilize all the male chicks that you buy soyou can never have any of your own?I have purchased exclusively from one house and have never had chicks ducks or geese yet have had many eggs and brooders.We just took the eggs awy from lucy.She got up to stretch so I grabbed the eggs and candled them,all steril. This is what I have expirienced on every brood of ducks geese and chickens I have checked opn my place.What do you think?
God Bless!
Morning People,
Another warm dry day upon us. I have so much mulch in the garden at the moment, I haven't had to water it yet.
Karl: We have a "hatchery purchased" group of birds, "The Grumps". I know the majority of them are fertile. We had hatched out a rooster and a couple of hens from them. I had 1 hen go broody again this year, which I had to break her of it.
This years batch of Cornish X are different from the years past. They aren't so food possessed. They enjoy their scratch and grass, but when it comes to their food, well.......... I have only gone through approximately 700lbs for 60 birds.
Enjoy your weekend
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Q, I guess I was just clutching at straws.My broodies have never brought forth any offspring but it must be environment.
My wife is growing tired of the broody goose that is setting on the nest right up by the House. Now the ducks and geese are raiding the pour dogs bowl for food. The goose is by the house, the flock comes up to check on her and then they go check out the food dish .They eat until maisy"the dog" runs them off,but they only run so far and then go back and eat and chase and eat and so on and so on.It really gets quite noisy.
Life on the farm!
God Bless!
We use to have the same problems with the barn cats food. You never knew what you would find eating from it. The labs on the other hand, would inhale their food.
We are getting food from the garden, yellow squash and string beans.
We are meeting some family members along the Jersey shore for a few days of R & R. in a couple of weeks. Not my kind of place, but I love the company.

Enjoy the day
Good morning chicken wranglers
We don't encourage barn cats.Especially since I caught a cat killing chickens.
We just got a nice rain.I think a tornado set down for a second in the garden and lifted my shed"which is now in the pond" and a horse trough "same local" and blew the tomatoes "cages and all" horizontal.I sent the wife and kids to the basement and it was over in a flash.They came right back up.
I Thought it was a false alarm until I was leaving after the calm.I walked out the garage door looked over at the garden and was immediately upset.My first thought was" who took all the stuff out of the garden shed"darn-nit"then I realized it was gone.I had to spend my town time mending fences so the cows did not get out but all was good after wards and I went to town and got ice cream.
God Bless!
In my experience ice-cream is a good healer for a great many thngs!
Glad your all ok!!!!!! And the cows were not flying!
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