Cold enough to freeze the $#@!s off a brass monkey!

I am learning a lot about the cold already this winter. I think I have the ventilation figured out and the electric dog bowl is working well.

However, one of my hens that was picked on (months ago) and her comb was torn looks like she may be getting some frostbite on it. I may be doing my first dubbing this weekend. I should have dubbed her comb right after the incident but I didn't even think about the chance of frostbite being increased.
Gonna hit -9 in a few days, the girls will get their first taste of real cold for this winter.

We installed an outdoor roost under a roof, it is up against the wall of the coop. They seem to like having somewhere that is semi sheltered to go hang out during the day on nasty days.
Everyone here is getting sick of frozen water. I leave for work and it's dark, I come home from work and it's dark so the girls only get fresh water in the morning.

My boyfriend attempted to insulate the waterer so it would take longer to freeze. Well, it works.

However, the girls think the tape and insulation are delicious. I knew they loved styrofoam insulation, but apparently they also like the foil and bubble one. And tape. Yum.

My poor animals that live oustside! We have a winter storm warning in effect right now. We've gotten a least a foot of snow and are expected to get another 6 inches today. The high tomorrow is going to be 3*, Monday is 1* with a low of -18*. The chickens are not coming out of the house, but the ducks get picked on during the day if they stay in there so they are out right now.
You guys are kill'in me!!
At least ya'll still have your sense of humor!!

Baymule summed things up pretty good, it's the same for us. If we get 2 inches of snow school is cancelled.

Soooooooooo glad I don't have to deal with all that. This morning as I sat in my recliner I had to force myself to get up
and let the chickens out. It was 65 degrees with the wind blowing a little. Man, we sure get spoiled in these lower states!

BUT, we don't have the beautiful greenery and scenery that you have.
I have an automatic pop door - really nice one - its been perfect right up until it got cold. Darn thing wont open for anything unless I use my propane heater to heat it up (from the outside of the coop).

Plus - the large door I enter the coop from is so cold it has shrunk & is messing up the allignment of the henges. So the bottom of the door kicks out & is a bear to get closed! Poor chickens have been stuck inside for 2 days playing teather ball with a cabbage.

Thats all not to mention the eggs popping like popcorn.

I sure am tempted to heat the coop - but there is just too much moisture in there to do that.

I hear that Monday is going to be the worst so far. Down to Zero Ferenheight with a wind chill of - 15!!
I live in Northern Ohio it is 21° today I have heated nest boxes I would not use the door in the winter go out and manually open and close it in the winter but that's me I don't lock my chickens up my run is beyond predator proof
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I live in Northern Ohio it is 21° today I have heated nest boxes I would not use the door in the winter go out and manually open and close it in the winter but that's me I don't lock my chickens up my run is beyond predator proof
back to the future GIF

come “back to the future” !!!

you’re replying to an 10 year old thread 😉

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