Hi everyone i just have to write all the information i can and hope that someone has the right answer because ive tried to find information that matches my situation but i am unsure
I've been having trouble with this chicken since day one starting with leg mites and with her having dry brown discharge on her nostrils, she has a fluid like lump on her back and regurgitates liquid a lot
but seemed happy enough I thought maybe she's just poor breed/inbreed or something? Anyways She is a Pekin and lays an egg every day to every other day, eats and drinks, plays with the others etc but recently she has became quite sick beyond a doubt shes not ok
her eye has became swollen/weepy and she's constantly leaking from her eye and nose clear liquid, enough to make things stick to her beak and face and also make wet patches on her feathers it's awful! She sneezes like she has a cold. She also has always smelled like she needs a bath
and I did bath her when i got her but the smell came back, I don't know how to explain it's like a yucky salty smell it's wierd and not nice? I keep trying to find what is wrong with her to get medicine but I can't figure it out there are too many types of colds etc and her symptoms don't seem to specifically match any? I really dont want to give her the wrong medicine and waste time and money and effort on just making her even worse, I want to get treatment right..
So she has normal coloured poo and her apatite is good both of these things matches the others, she still lays her egg regularly and is active throughout the day with normal body language, doesnt puff out her feathers or hide, I actually think my little rooster and her have been flirting coz they chase eachother playfully and then he was on her back, she let him
like she really does seem to be feeling ok but obviously she is not?!
I've been feeding them a mix of medicated chick starter and layer pellets (two are still growing I'm just using their chick feed up) and vegetable/fruit scraps, they have free range of the yard all day, every day, with a herb garden they pick at, grass, dirt etc and plenty of shaded safe area etc and I do put this apple cider vinegar with garlic from the feed store in the water in their coop, they also have access to fresh plain water outside of the coop they seem to go back to the coop to drink sometimes even though the other water is closer, I have the crushed oyster out for them it is all free choice what they eat and drink etc, I clean their coop often, it is easy enoug to do multipule timea a week its a pull out tray that I hose off and sun dry like it's CLEAN no mouldy built up always dry and she's also 2nd in line in pecking order so isn't being picked on, I just don't understand why she is deteriorating and what to do to fix her
she's my daughters favourite because she doesn't run away when she gets her for cuddles and she makes a cute honk noise to talk to us (that might not be normal either?) I also have another chicken that's been on and off sneezing and has a bit of snot since she was a baby too (I raised them separately, the Pekin came afterwards so this hasn't spread from her to the younger one) She smells gross on her beak when she's sick but then gets better again after a few days and it got better once she started free ranging, but she is not well now either and I'm worried about her getting this Goober eye as well now
the other two are so far 100% all the time
I need them to get better they are like our babies please if you have dealt with this help me out with what to do? Also, its warm weather almost summer here if that makes any difference because they are not overly hot or cold at the moment
I've been having trouble with this chicken since day one starting with leg mites and with her having dry brown discharge on her nostrils, she has a fluid like lump on her back and regurgitates liquid a lot
So she has normal coloured poo and her apatite is good both of these things matches the others, she still lays her egg regularly and is active throughout the day with normal body language, doesnt puff out her feathers or hide, I actually think my little rooster and her have been flirting coz they chase eachother playfully and then he was on her back, she let him
I've been feeding them a mix of medicated chick starter and layer pellets (two are still growing I'm just using their chick feed up) and vegetable/fruit scraps, they have free range of the yard all day, every day, with a herb garden they pick at, grass, dirt etc and plenty of shaded safe area etc and I do put this apple cider vinegar with garlic from the feed store in the water in their coop, they also have access to fresh plain water outside of the coop they seem to go back to the coop to drink sometimes even though the other water is closer, I have the crushed oyster out for them it is all free choice what they eat and drink etc, I clean their coop often, it is easy enoug to do multipule timea a week its a pull out tray that I hose off and sun dry like it's CLEAN no mouldy built up always dry and she's also 2nd in line in pecking order so isn't being picked on, I just don't understand why she is deteriorating and what to do to fix her
she's my daughters favourite because she doesn't run away when she gets her for cuddles and she makes a cute honk noise to talk to us (that might not be normal either?) I also have another chicken that's been on and off sneezing and has a bit of snot since she was a baby too (I raised them separately, the Pekin came afterwards so this hasn't spread from her to the younger one) She smells gross on her beak when she's sick but then gets better again after a few days and it got better once she started free ranging, but she is not well now either and I'm worried about her getting this Goober eye as well now