Colloncas, Huastecs, & Quechuas

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Wow! This is quite the climax of a simple "Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade" Thread.

@ChooksChick, I'm just getting on here also after a good few weeks and am getting current with the conversation...

@Sparky, In all honesty, I do appreciate your desire for clarity in what is perpetuated. And I totally understand what you are getting at.

@Everyone, I have been personal friends with Kermit/Resolution (and friends of his friends) for going back a number of years. I couldn't tell you how many hours we have sat around talking about chickens and many other topics (that usually come back around to chickens [or peafowl]). Just giving a little background...

I do know that most of the South American birds discussed here and on similar threads have been "infused," "out-crossed," "back-crossed," and "composited." That is not a secret. As far as I can tell, that was a matter of genetic necessity.

What I don't doubt is that a fair amount of the genetics is indeed from the claimed regions. And I truly believe that, as one of the main passions of genetic preservation, Kermit is striving to keep those genetics alive. But I suppose that could all be made up...

I certainly have learned to use terms like "breed" cautiously. For I do not want to make false claims. I do think there has been a measure of "art" involved. And have come to realize the looseness in what I at one time considered to be firm standards.

For example, I would think to cull any Huastec that came out with white skin. The standard: Black Skin. But I would say to Kermit, "I'm culling all the white skinned chicks this week." And he would say, "Oh My! But there are so many important genetics there!"

You can see the good heart can't you? But what do you do with all those chicks? And what do you call them? Hmm...

I'm not really too concerned with being right. Perhaps I'm wrong... When I really come to realize this reality, I won't try to hold on. I promise...

I totally understand what ChooksChick said a few posts ago. But, my problem is that I really like Kermit and have a hard time disregarding him. But, I've learned to take much things with a grain of salt.

Also, I'm not really going to be spending much time on the computer finding out the "truth." I have a bakery to run and chickens and goats to take care of (Oh yeah, and my 2 beautiful boys [2 & 4] and wonderful wife). But, I do indeed care about the truth. Keep it coming. But Keep it considerate. I also would not want this thread to get shut down.

Please be aware: I'm not in the realm of defending anything. If my birds are debunked, then I have some really nice debunked birds!


To the best of my knowledge I will be offering Ponape chicks on an auction here on BYC. (I'll be posting shortly) And a few weeks later Colloncas chicks. And then after a few eggs of the same. Please stay tuned to my future threads.
My main short term goal: A new roll-out nest! Yes!

All the best,

So well said, Yashar. I agree wholeheartedly. "If my birds are debunked, then I have some really nice debunked bids!" Perfect! I am leary of believing Kermit hook-line-and-sinker, but I've gotten to know him pretty well, too, and I like the guy A LOT. Like ChooksChick, I have spent a lot of time (too much) researching this stuff, and like she says, everything comes back to Kermit. Frankly, while he is vague and the smoke screens are certainly numerous and frustrating, nothing Kermit has ever told ME has turned out to be *false*. Not backed up, yes... but not proven false, either. And I do believe that Kermit's heart is in the right place. There is nothing sinister there, and he isn't driven by some seedy ulterior motive like money. And for the record I say these things to him all the time, so I'm not talking behind his back! So as far as his birds... what are ya gonna do? Enjoy them! And, as much as I enjoy the birds I enjoy the friendships I have made surrounding them. :)
Hi Yashar. I see you are in Plymouth! My mom is from Marshfield. I hope to move back there fairly soon (in the next 1-3 years) if I can find a place I can afford on a teacher's salary... And a teaching job :). Thank you for rounding out the picture.
I agree that he is charismatic and quite fun to discuss any array of subjects with. I have no doubt that the many birds I received are very interesting and I enjoy them immensely. I am passionate about these projects and have no problem with others enjoying the various incarnations, and now that all of that info is out in the open, I feel I can contribute and participate in the conversation without feeling as if there is something being obfuscated.

March on, South American project enthusiasts!!

Yashar, I'm glad the wife and boys are doing well- I hope you have them interested in the birds at this young age! It's always great to see how they are with chicks.
This white, dark-skinned chick hatched today - is this one of the snowy Huastecs? There's Huastec, BQO, and Collonca in this hatch.

This white, dark-skinned chick hatched today - is this one of the snowy Huastecs? There's Huastec, BQO, and Collonca in this hatch.

That chick is SOOOOO white!! Does it have any pattern on it at all? What do its feet look like? Maybe it's the lighting but is her/his back a slightly different color?

The only time I've seen a solid color chick as white as this one was a recessive white. (see my avatar) Neither parent appeared white; they were half sibs and by the looks of her, Mom (Aikiko) probably had a silkie contribution 2 or 3 generations back. Given how common recessive white is in silkies, and that silkies likely contributed to the fibro in the Olmec lineage, it's totally plausible you have a recessive white. That would be a very cool discovery ;)

The birds I've had described as "snowy" actually hatch with yellow fluff that changes to a solid flat white with their first real feathers. Slowly (like maybe you're seeing things!) some of the feathers start to look a little shiny and eventually the shiny feathers take on a very light yellow iridescence. It doesn't seem to matter which gender. Based on feedback I got at and reading about breeding buff, I think our "snowy" heterozygous dominant white with a mix of columbian like restrictors. I also had a couple of birds whose irridescent feathers kept getting darker until they were a milky brown.
Here's that chick again with a jar of sugar for color comparison. On the left is a chick that I would have called "white" if it didn't have a pattern - until I saw this one. I can't see any color pattern on the white-white one, just white down with black skin underneath. Or I should probably call that gray skin - there's chicks in there with it that change what I would have called black skin.

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And I should add that everything in the incubator is from Grannychick55 (thank you! :D  ).
That is great I have 2 hens in the Huastec pen that are white with blue skin that came from Yashar they have not been out at anytime with any other roos they are both beautiful. I have been trying to hatch some but so far have not had any luck I am glad you got one they are really pretty and it looks like you have a couple of other cuties. I am very happy for you congratulations
Wow! This is quite the climax of a simple "Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade" Thread.

@ChooksChick, I'm just getting on here also after a good few weeks and am getting current with the conversation... 

@Sparky, In all honesty, I do appreciate your desire for clarity in what is perpetuated. And I totally understand what you are getting at.

@Everyone, I have been personal friends with Kermit/Resolution (and friends of his friends) for going back a number of years.  I couldn't tell you how many hours we have sat around talking about chickens and many other topics (that usually come back around to chickens [or peafowl]).  Just giving a little background...

I do know that most of the South American birds discussed here and on similar threads have been "infused," "out-crossed," "back-crossed," and "composited."  That is not a secret. As far as I can tell, that was a matter of genetic necessity.

What I don't doubt is that a fair amount of the genetics is indeed from the claimed regions.  And I truly believe that, as one of the main passions of genetic preservation, Kermit is striving to keep those genetics alive.  But I suppose that could all be made up...

I certainly have learned to use terms like "breed" cautiously. For I do not want to make false claims.  I do think there has been a measure of "art" involved. And have come to realize the looseness in what I at one time considered to be firm standards.

For example, I would think to cull any Huastec that came out with white skin. The standard: Black Skin.  But I would say to Kermit, "I'm culling all the white skinned chicks this week." And he would say, "Oh My!  But there are so many important genetics there!"

You can see the good heart can't you? But what do you do with all those chicks? And what do you call them? Hmm...

I'm not really too concerned with being right. Perhaps I'm wrong... When I really come to realize this reality, I won't try to hold on. I promise...

I totally understand what ChooksChick said a few posts ago. But, my problem is that I really like Kermit and have a hard time disregarding him. But, I've learned to take much things with a grain of salt.

Also, I'm not really going to be spending much time on the computer finding out the "truth." I have a bakery to run and chickens and goats to take care of (Oh yeah, and my 2 beautiful boys [2 & 4] and wonderful wife). But, I do indeed care about the truth.  Keep it coming. But Keep it considerate. I also would not want this thread to get shut down.  

Please be aware: I'm not in the realm of defending anything. If my birds are debunked, then I have some really nice debunked birds!


[COLOR=4B0082]To the best of my knowledge I will be offering Ponape chicks on an auction here on BYC. (I'll be posting shortly) And  a few weeks later Colloncas chicks. And then after a few eggs of the same.  Please stay tuned to my future threads.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=4B0082]My main short term goal: A new roll-out nest! Yes![/COLOR]:yesss:

All the best,
So glad to see you back on here I have had a great time with the birds I got from you and hatched some great chicks Thanks so much and if you decide to sell some more I would love the chance to buy some. And you would be very helpful in answering questions about these birds. I would love to hear more about these breeds from you
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