Color genetics pop quiz :P


10 Years
Jul 25, 2009
Here's a pop quiz for genetic gurus out there:

Mum is a Cuckoo Maran/Barnevelder mix (her dad Maran, her mum Barnie). She's faintly barred.
Dad is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

SO, we let a broody hatch 3 eggs, all 3 chicks are different;
one looks kind of like an Austrarlorp chick, I'm guessing it'll be a black pullet
one looks like a black sex-link roo, with the white spot in the neck and all, I'm guessing barred male
one looks silver based and chipmunkey, my guess is it'll be a badly laced SLW-ish pullet...

Any takers? Am I far out in my assumptions? Or do I really *groan* have to wait 6 whole weeks to find out...
The Black will be a pullet, the Barred a cockerel, the badly laced Silver could be either sex,
Thanks for answering guys - at least I seem to be on the right track
Wouldn't the silvery one have a "barring dot" too if it is male, or doesn't that show with those down colors?

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